Abe Assassinated by CCP’s Secret Member in Japan. 52 People in Taiwan Are on CCP’s Assassination List

Abe Assassinated by CCP’s Secret Member in Japan. 52 People in Taiwan Are on CCP’s Assassination List

(Jennifer’s note: The following is the shocking news exposed by Yuan Hongbing, a Chinese dissident and former law professor at Peking University. According to him,  former Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s assassination was conducted by the CCP’s secret member in Japan via the “special task program” initiated by the CCP’s International Liaison Department headed by Xi Jinping’s henchman Liu Jianchao. 

Liu has also produced a mass assassination list with 52 Taiwanese people’s names on it, including Vice President William Lai and 8 lawmakers. And the mass assassination campaign is part of the CCP’s overall plan to take Taiwan by force. Australia and India are also in the CCP’s plan

The following is basically a word-for-word translation of Yuan Hongbing’s show in Chinese. The Chinese version of the transcript is available here. )

 After former Japanese Prime Minister Abe was assassinated, Japan took the unprecedented step of inviting Taiwan Vice President William Lai Ching-te to Japan to pay tribute. During this period Lai was also given special courtesy. According to past habits, the war wolf diplomats of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) should have been furious and roared. However, in fact, the reaction of the war wolf diplomats [this time] was relatively cautious and calm, as if they had a guilty conscience because they were a thief.

On the 7th day after Abe's murder, a message finally came out from behind the iron curtain of the CCP’s tyranny: the Japanese assassin who assassinated Abe was a secret CCP member developed in Japan by the CCP's International Department or International Liaison Department. 

 The reason why the CCP has taken this "special action" against Abe is that Abe had not only put forward the strategic principle of “A Taiwan emergency is a Japan emergency", but also strongly supported and actively promoted the formation of “the Quad” between the United States, Japan, India, and Australia to counter the CCP tyranny's strategy of conquering free Taiwan and promoting the global expansion of Communist totalitarianism.

Another reason is that Abe could effectively promote the enactment of a Japanese version of the Taiwan Relations Act, so that the strategic principle that “A Taiwan emergency is a Japan emergency" can be put into concrete legal form.

 The Communist Party's International Department initiated a special task program, instructing secret members of the Communist Party developed in Japan to act as assassins to assassinate Abe. 

According to members of the princelings' families in the CCP who are under purge, the above information was initially disclosed by Zeng Qinghong's niece Zeng Baobao. (By the way, Zeng Qinghong is China’s former vice chairman) Members of the Chinese armed resistance movement in China are seeking verification of this information through various means, and the Chinese armed resistance movement information platform will follow up in a timely manner to expose the information once more details and specifics are known.

However, all other sources of information indicate that the information about the murder of Abe by the CCP disclosed by Zeng Baobao is not just a rumor, but on the contrary, has a high probability of being true. 

The Zhonglianbu (中联部) is an abbreviation for the International Department of the CPC’s Central Committee. In the 1980s, the Ministry of State Security [ of China] was formed, and the function of the International Department began to weaken. 

However, since Xi Jinping took the reins of power in 2012, the International Department's functions have not only been restored and strengthened but also expanded in scope. 

The Department's original primary function was to oversee worldwide party discipline and diplomacy, focusing on developing relations with communists, workers’ parties, and social democratic parties in various countries.

After the 19th Communist Party Congress, with Xi Jinping's personal advice and approval, the International Department created two new functional departments: the International Committee, which focused on developing secret members of the CCP in key countries, such as Japan, India, and Southeast Asian countries, and the Taiwan Committee, which focused on developing secret members of the CCP in Taiwan.

In his relevant instructions, Xi Jinping particularly emphasized that the development of secret CCP members in overseas countries should be strictly gate-checked, and the two basic requirements to be followed for the absorption of secret members are to have a steel-like belief in communism and a steel-like conviction in keeping the Party's secrets. Only with these two steel-like basic conditions can they better meet the quality requirements for the implementation of special task programs and be effective and top-notch at critical moments.

These are the contents of Xi Jinping's relevant instructions. Obviously, Xi Jinping was no longer satisfied with the International Liaison Department only performing the function of liaison with foreign political parties but wanted to develop it into a special service agency capable of carrying out communist terrorist missions in key countries and Taiwan.

In fact, in March 2022, Liu Jianchao already took over full control of the Communist Party's International Department, but it was only in early June that Liu's new appointment was publicly announced.

Liu Jianchao was a henchman and member of Xi Jinping's cliques in the first place. In 2018, after he became deputy director of the CCP’s Central Committee's Foreign Affairs Office, he made a prominent contribution to Xi Jinping's efforts to gain full control of the CCP by collecting and providing information about the assets transferred overseas by the CCP powerful families, both old and new, thus giving Xi Jinping a handle to further force the groups and families in the Party that were at odds with Xi Jinping to surrender before the 20th Communist Party Congress.

Xi's reward for this outstanding contribution was to promote Liu to head of the International Department.

As mentioned earlier, Liu Jianchao's appointment was only officially announced in early June, and he effectively took over the leadership of the International Liaison Department in March 2022.

In late March 2022, Liu Jianchao gave a speech guiding the work of the International Department at a secret meeting attended by departmental and bureau-level officials. The speech lasted about 90 minutes, of which about 60 minutes were read from a script and about 30 minutes were off-script speeches that participants were not allowed to record or take notes of.

According to sources within the CCP, Liu Jianchao made the following points in his 30-minute off-script speech, all of which may be related to Abe's assassination and are therefore worthy of attention.

In his speech, Liu Jianchao emphasized the need to clearly establish and strengthen the sense of pre-warfare [or close to war] status and asked the officials of the International Department to wake up to the fact that the prologue battle to solve the Taiwan issue mainly by means of military struggle has already begun. 

The main responsibility of the International Committee and the Taiwan Committee of [of International Department ] is to develop secret members in Japan and Taiwan in accordance with the two steel-like basic conditions instructed by President Xi, that is, the steel-like belief in communism and the steel-like conviction in keeping party secrets, as a killer force to carry out special task programs at specific points in time, thus complementing the military struggle. 

At the same time, in this speech, Liu Jianchao also called for stronger support for the Indian Communist Party and its guerrilla forces to weaken the capability of the Indian authorities in interfering in the border areas when the CCP launches war in the Taiwan Strait.

In addition, Liu Jianchao has called for the development of secret CCP members in Australia to effectively influence public opinion in Australia and undermine the effectiveness of the US-Japan-India-Australia QUAD mechanism.

According to the information conveyed by people with conscience within the CCP and the members of the powerful CCP families under Xi Jinping's purge, the official circles in Beijing generally believe that Abe's assassination was the result of Liu Jianchao's special task program immediately after he took the actual power of the International Department in March. The assassin of Abe was a secret member of the CCP in Japan who met the two basic conditions of steel demanded by Xi Jinping and, of course, was what Xi called a “killer weapon”.

People of conscience within the CCP system believe that Liu Jianchao's special task plan is actually a plan of action for the International  Department to carry out targeted assassinations of foreign and Taiwanese dignitaries around the CCP's armed reunification with Taiwan, so Abe's murder is not an isolated incident by chance, but an important part of the CCP's tyrannical communist totalitarian global expansion strategy.

Recently, people of conscience within the CCP also revealed that the special task program executed by Liu Jianchao has drawn up a blacklist for mass assassination campaigns in Taiwan. 

There are altogether 52 people on that blacklist, including Vice President William Lai, eight legislators, and other people from all walks of life in Taiwan.

There are two predetermined time points for the CCP’s International Department to implement the assassination campaign, one is around or during the 2024 Taiwan election, and the other is the eve of the CCP's war against Taiwan. 

 In addition, it is believed that a member of the CCP princeling family has the will to reveal a list of secret CCP members developed by the International Department in Taiwan, totaling nearly 200 people, and that people of conscience within the CCP are trying to convince this person to reveal this list.

Based on all of this information surrounding Abe's murder by the CCP's International Department, it is clear that we can conclude that the CCP's tyranny has become an outright political mafia and an organization of communist international terrorism. 

The desire of the Baizuo (Western leftist) politicians in the US and Europe to cooperate with the CCP is a continuation of their appeasement fantasies with the CCP tyranny. The only right choice for the international community is to prepare for the catastrophe of the century that the Communist tyranny, a communist international terrorist organization, and political mafia, will bring to the world and to China through the global expansion of communist totalitarianism.

For its part, free Taiwan should immediately begin to purge the secret members of the CCP’s International Department developed in Taiwan in order to effectively prevent a large-scale assassination campaign by the CCP in conjunction with a forceful invasion of Taiwan.


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POLITICS & SECURITYIn China, Celebration Over Shinzo Abe’s Death Unmasks the Communist Party

POLITICS & SECURITYIn China, Celebration Over Shinzo Abe’s Death Unmasks the Communist Party