After the Third Plenum: CCP Secrets and Rumors About Xi Jinping's Power

After the Third Plenum: CCP Secrets and Rumors About Xi Jinping's Power

In China where information is scarce, every rumor and news pattern detail is noted, especially when the CCP is opaque about a succession plan for Xi Jinping.

By Jennifer Zeng

The much anticipated, repeatedly delayed, closed-door Third Plenary Session of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has brought us no surprises. Except…for the rampant rumor that Xi Jinping suffered a stroke and had to be rushed to the hospital. With the television reappearance of Xi Jinping on July 20, two days after the session, the rumor finally cooled down. However, the questions remain: Why are people so interested in and so eager to spread this rumor, and what would happen to China if Xi really did suddenly die?  

First of two parts

Why Are People So Interested In Spreading the Rumor?

I believe there are mainly four reasons why people are so interested in rumors about Xi Jinping. 

1. Lack of Transparency

The first reason is the lack of transparency in the information provided by the CCP. 

There was virtually no official information about what was happening during the four days when the Third Plenary Session was on. Instead, the CCP implemented extraordinary measures for controlling information during the session. Former CCP official Du Wen revealed that the mobile phones of all attendees were confiscated. The venue experienced significant electromagnetic interference and intense radio surveillance. No one was allowed to get close to the meeting venue.

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After the Third CCP Plenum: What Would Happen If Xi Suddenly Died?

After the Third CCP Plenum: What Would Happen If Xi Suddenly Died?

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