After the Third CCP Plenum: What Would Happen If Xi Suddenly Died?

After the Third CCP Plenum: What Would Happen If Xi Suddenly Died?

Worries about Xi's health might be premature but they raise interesting "what if" questions. Would the lack of agreed succession throw the CCP into disarray?

By Jennifer Zeng

There were subtle changes in official media reports following the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Third Plenary Session. Notably, for seven days from his July 20 TV appearance to July 27, Xi Jinping did not make any other public appearance. 

Read Part 1: After the Third Plenum, CCP Secrets and Rumors About Xi Jinping's Power

Last of two parts

Even more obvious was his "disappearance" from the front page of the People's Daily. It is one of the most important mouthpieces of the CCP.  

Painstakingly I counted the number of front page articles on the People's Daily for each day from July 1 to July 27.  I found that the proportion of articles about Xi Jinping dropped by as much as 64% after the Third Plenary Session.  

It is even more dramatic if the results for July 19 are excluded. There was only one article on that day about the Third Plenum and Xi Jinping presiding over it. Excluding July 19, the percentage of articles about Xi Jinping dropped by as much as 75% after the Third Plenum.

Should this big change in statistics tell us something?

Click here to read the rest.


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After the Third Plenum: CCP Secrets and Rumors About Xi Jinping's Power

After the Third Plenum: CCP Secrets and Rumors About Xi Jinping's Power