4 Key Proteins of COVID19 Have Been Replaced, Which Can Precisely Attack Chinese 武汉病毒4个关键蛋白被替换 可精准攻击华人
(Jennifer’s note: The article below was originally published at a Chinese military website Xilu.com on Jan. 26, 2020, and was removed later. Searching with its Chinese title can still find the following URL http://m.xilu.com/vi/1000010001119697_7.html, at which the article was published. The following full article and photos are copied from an archived copy of the article. The English translation was mainly done with google auto-translation.)
来源:西陆网 | 原文发表时间:2020年1月26日 (注:原文已被删除,用谷歌搜索仍能发现原文网址:http://m.xilu.com/vi/1000010001119697_7.html,但点击后显示此页面不存在,以下来自删除前的备份。)
A screenshot of the original article at Xilu.com. 西陆网原文截图。
Several articles have analyzed the navel coronavirus in Wuhan, saying that the virus will not be a natural product. Recently, the evidence finally came. On January 21, the journal "Science in China: Life Sciences" published the research results of three Chinese Academy of Sciences researchers, revealing the true face of the navel coronavirus. Please see the report:
On January 21st, researcher Hao Pei of the Shanghai Pasteur Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, researcher Zhong Wu of the National Institute for Emergency Control and Prevention of Drug Engineering Technology of the Academy of Military Medical Research, and researcher Li Xuan of the Key Laboratory of Synthetic Biology of the Center for Molecular Plant Excellence of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Published an article online in the English version of "Science in China: Life Science", and provided academic explanations for the evolutionary sources of the new coronavirus in Wuhan and the mechanism of infecting people.
The most important conclusion is that although Wuhan New Coronavirus has replaced four key proteins, it still has a strong affinity for human ACE2.
The researchers were surprised, and carefully compared the S-protein of SARS with the S-protein of Wuhan New Coronavirus, and found that although the four key amino acids were replaced, the structure did not change, and the RBD structure of the two The 3D structure of the domain is almost the same, no wonder it is so similar to SARS. It's easy to mislead people into SARS virus and get into the misunderstanding.
This study shows that Wuhan's new coronavirus should interact with human ACE2 to infect human respiratory epithelial cells. Moreover, this result also suggests that Wuhan's new coronavirus has a strong ability to infect humans.
This study lays a scientific theoretical foundation for the scientific prevention and control of Wuhan's new coronavirus in Chinese medical personnel and the development of detection and intervention techniques.
After reading the report, it makes people even more angry in panic! The key lies in: "The Wuhan new coronavirus has replaced 4 key proteins". The first purpose is to pretend to be SARS virus, making it difficult for epidemic prevention personnel to distinguish, mistakenly entered the old path of SARS prevention and treatment, and delayed the treatment time.
看完报告,让人在惊恐之余更加愤怒无比!关键在于:“武汉新型冠状病毒换掉了4个关键蛋白”, 第一其目地就是为了伪装成SARS病毒,让防疫者难以分辨,误入防治“非典”的老路,延误救治的时间。
The second is to make it have "strong ability to infect humans" to achieve the purpose of rapid spread and infection. Did this extinct biological technology stem from bats and bamboo rats?
Even in 10,000 years in the natural environment, it is impossible to achieve such a precise "replacement" of "4 key proteins"!
Facts have shown that Wuhan virus can only be produced by the laboratory's intervention in manufacturing! Human nature has been annihilated so much!
In 2010, China won the victory over the SARS virus.
In 2015, the People’s Liberation Army’s medical team won a victory over Ebola in Africa.
This time, the hostile forces carefully selected a new type of virus to erupt on the traditional festival of the Chinese people, and we ushered in new challenges.
The medical research and health and epidemic prevention units across the country have entered a state of "war readiness", and the whole country is waiting for it. The Chinese people will surely win this battle!
The evildoers will eventually be punished by heaven.
Imperialism has never stopped its various destructive blows and sieges against China. The rapid growth and rise of China has brought imperialism to the point where it has torn off all camouflage and started publicly attacking us.
The enemy is always unscrupulous, and we must at least fight back!
Let us stress again: we are human beings, we must act in accordance with the rules of humanity, we must be tooth for tooth, and blood for blood!
From SARS to Wuhan's New Pneumonia: The Ethicity Geocide Plan of the U. S.
Sixteen years after the end of the last SARS epidemic, there was a sudden outbreak of "new coronavirus pneumonia" infections in China. As of 24:00 on January 21, the National Health Commission received 13 domestic provinces (regions, districts, City), a total of 440 confirmed cases of pneumonia and 9 deaths were reported…Some experts said that the similarity between the virus and SARS was as high as 80%, and the source of the disease was suspected to be from bats.
It is said that at the end of 2010, Chinse communities in Los Angeles, San Francisco and other places in the United States are conducting an eye survey for Chinese Americans (CHES:CHINESE AMERICAN EYE STUDY). Some participants were wondering, “It is an eye inspection, why did they get my blood sample and DNA?”
话说2010年底美国洛杉矶、旧金山等地华人社区正展开一项华裔眼睛调研(CHES:CHINESE AMERICAN EYE STUDY)。 部分参与者却感到纳闷:“说检查眼睛,为何要获取我的血样和DNA”
The survey, broadcast every day, is hosted by the University of Southern California, and funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Ophthalmology, with the goal of improving understanding of the eye health of Chinese adults, and developing programs to help Chinese people across the United States. 5,000 Chinese over 50 years of age participated in this survey of eye and other diseases.
这项广播天天播放的调研是由南加州大学主持、美国国家卫生研究院和美国国家眼科研究所资助,目的在于增进对华裔成人眼睛健康的了解,从而制定项目,帮助全美各地华人。 5000名50岁以上华人参与了此项不限眼睛还包括其他疾病的调研。
Chinese-language newspapers in many western American cities also had similar ads at the time: seeking Chinese or Taiwanese to participate in a medical research experiment. Participants should meet the following criteria: male or female, from China or Taiwan, aged between 18 and 55, healthy, and have lived in the United States for less than 5 years. Participants can receive travel compensation of $ 1600-$6,000 for research-related medical care. Women must be menopause for two years or have been sterilized...
当时许多美西城市的华文报纸也都刊登了类似的广告:寻求中国或台湾人参与一项医学研究实验。 参与者应符合的条件是:男性或女性、来自中国或台湾、年龄在18—55岁之间、健康、在美国居住少于5年。 参与者可以收到1600—6000美元旅行补偿与研究相关的医疗照顾。 女性必须是停经两年或开刀结扎……
"The requirement to participate in infertile people may be related to the investigation of fertility, and some investigations also need to indicate whether they are intermarried with other races." A Chinese physician felt this investigation was extremely unusual, saying that it was the first time in 20 years since she went to work in the United States that investigation of the Chinese body was done so frequently, especially the investigation of the descent. This made her feel puzzled. These advertisements were published in a quarter of the page, which was basically run every day. According to local advertising quotes, it costs about $2,000 a day. Not only that, radio stations often had such advertisements, and they also publicized that these tests reflected the US government's speical care for the Chinese.
“要求不能生育者参与可能是调查与生育有关,而有些调查还要求注明是否与其他人种通婚。”一名华人医师对此调查感到极不寻常,称来美工作20年第一次看到美国如此频繁地调查华人的身体,特别是血统的调查更让她感到不解。 这些广告都是四分之一的版面刊登,基本每天都有,按照当地的广告报价,一天大概至少要2000美元。 不仅如此,广播电台也经常有这类的广告,还宣传说这些检测体现了美国政府对华人的关心云云。
"This survey is not a small thing." She summarized several common features of these surveys: first-generation immigrants, 5 to 20 years in the United States, in addition to ophthalmology, as well as diabetes specialists, hypertension specialists, the scope of the survey involved families history, past medical history, genetic history, and especially DNA testing. "Recruiting first-generation immigrants of Chinese descent or coming from China and Taiwan, but they will not investigate Japanese and Koreans." She said that there is also a new advertising survey recently covering the healthy first-generation over 65 Chinese people. She made a survey of some Chinese people who were tested, and found that many people tested had a DNA test, but the results would not be disclosed to the testees.
What puzzled her was: Accoring to relevant US laws and regulations, whatever doctors do, they must explain to the client in advance and obtain the client ’s full informed consent. If there is a slight discrepancy, it is a doctor ’s violation and will be punished by law. But why wasn’t the DNA test consulted beforehand.?
Seeing these messages is worrying to her. Do those eye tests really reflect the US government's concern for the Chinese? Why didn’t they do tests with Japanese and Koreans?
看到这些讯息,让人忧心。 那些什么眼睛等检测真的体现了美国政府对华人的关心吗?怎么遗漏了日本人跟韩国人?
Participants can receive travel compensation of between $ 1600 and $ 6,000 for research-related medical care. Why isn't this kind of benevolence given to 50 million Americans without health insurance, but to the "yellow peril" that has been excluded for over a hundred years?
Testing DNA without obtaining prior consent from the subject! Isn't this the secret of taking DNA in the name of fake inspection? This sneaky survey reminds people of SARS that only infects the Chinese.
The SARS in 2003 has always made people feel strange. Why are the infections and deaths almost all Chinese or North Vietnamese with close ties to Chinese blood?
An infected Taiwanese doctor was traveling to Japan. He was sitting behind a Japanese driver on a sightseeing bus. Except for the driver who developed a fever and cough, no other Japanese were infected. Another infected Chinese woman died of illness after returning from Hong Kong to Toronto, Canada. Most of the infected people who affected the community building were Chinese. Only 2 of the 15 dead in Canada were not Chinese.
一名遭感染的台湾医师赴日旅游,在观光巴士上他坐在日本司机后面,除该司机出现发烧咳嗽现象外,未闻有任何其他日本人遭感染。 另一名被感染的华裔妇女从香港返回加拿大多伦多后发病死亡,遭波及社区大楼的感染者也以华人居多,总计加拿大15位死亡者中只有2位不是华人。
In addition, no matter in Hong Kong or Guangzhou, the source of the disease is concentrated in a specific one or two buildings, and the initial infectivity is particularly strong, and then it obviously drops down; at the same time, the mortality rate of patients with initial illness is extremely high, and that of those infected later is much lower. These symptoms are only the phenomenon of artificial poisoning.
On April 13, the Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao reported that Karesinkov, an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, believed that SARS virus is a mixture of measles virus and mumps virus that cannot occur in the natural environment. Only a laboratory can cultivate it. So it is concluded that SARS is a biological weapon.
In October of the same year, Mr. Tong Zeng, a conceren person in China, published a book, "The Last Line of Defense: Why Should We Worry About Loss of Chinese Gene," revealing that in the past two decades, some medical research institutions in the United States have used a pretext to cooperate to plan to obtain a large amount of human genetic information of Chinese people through blood sampling.
For example, the United States Institute of Health has conducted a study on "Genetic factors of tracheal induction and lung function in Chinese" since 1996 in Anqing, Anhui, and Harvard University and the United States Millennium Pharmaceuticals have similar research plans.
These studies often induce people to conduct suspicious blood sampling through primary health units in the name of health checkups. For example, Chu Mianzhai, Hu Xiangxin and his wife and daughter Chu Zhaohua, and Zhu Zhaoxia who lived in Wangfang Formation, Songshan Village, Toto Town, Dabie Mountain, Yuexi County, Anhui, had their blood samples taken twice on November 5, 1996, and March 10, 1997, at the health check-up at the health unit. " We were required to strech our arms into a small hole of a cotton curtain, and the doctor was invisible behind behind the curtain." They did not know at all that their blood was used by a US institution to study "the molecular genetic epidemiology of certain diseases in China".
At the peak of the SARS outbreak, a 91-year-old man in Beijing died, and 37 people were directly and indirectly infected by him. The old gentleman happened to be the subject of genetic research in some US institutions a few years ago.
The unusual nature of SARS has made it necessary to examine the official accounts of the United States for posterity.
In 2004, a lawyer from Manhattan, New York, Michael Carroll, spent seven years accessing a large number of military secret files and government decrypted documents, and published a book: "Lab257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory." It was revealed that weird diseases such as Lyme arthritis, variant foot-and-mouth disease, and West Nile virus that have appeared inexplicably in the United States from the 1960s to this century originated in the top-secret biochemical laboratory in New York.
2004年纽约曼哈顿律师迈克尔·卡洛尔费时七年调阅大量军方机密档案和政府解密文件后,出版了一本《257实验室》《Lab257:The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory》 ,揭发从上个世纪六十年代到本世纪在美国本土先后莫名其妙出现的莱姆关节炎、变异口蹄疫、西尼罗河病毒等怪异疾病均源于该位于纽约的绝密生化实验室。
For example, in the early 1980s, when HIV suddenly came to the world, some official agencies in the United States presumed that it was caused by African green monkeys. Is this really the case? African green monkeys have been around for tens of thousands of years. Why did the virus pass to humans at this time!
Boyd Graves, a lawyer who graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2003, after a 10-year investigation, revealed that the U.S. government had implemented a top-secret "Special Virus Program" between 1964 and 1978 which cost $ 550 million to eventually produce the terrible HIV.
2003年毕业于美国海军学院的律师博伊德·格雷维兹(Boyd Graves)经10年调查后,揭露美国政府在1964年到1978年间曾执行一项绝密的“特别病毒计划”,耗资5.5亿美元后最终制造出可怕的艾滋病毒。
He claims that the plan is aimed at genocide and the elimination of blacks and other minorities around the world.
In order to present the truth to the public, he appealed to the San Diego District Court in California to investigate the "Special Virus Program" that harms the public. Presented in court are two shocking pieces of evidence.
为将事实真相呈现于众,他诉请加州圣迭戈地区法院对危害大众的“特别病毒计划”展开调查。 呈上法庭的是两个令人震惊的证据。
The first is a "special illustration of the virus production process", which shows in detail the production process of HIV that can completely destroy the human immune system.
The second is a photo of an artificial virus taken in 1971. The virus's internal structure is in good agreement with HIV. However, it was more than a decade after the HIV virus was publicly discovered.
其二是一张拍摄于1971年的人造病毒的照片。 该病毒经分析其内部结构与艾滋病病毒完全吻合。 然而,艾滋病病毒被公开发现还是十多年后的事情。
"We think HIV is the product of a conspiracy, and it was made artificially," he told reporters at the National Black Genocide Symposium.
In fact, some scientists and organizations in the world have long suspected of HIV. For example, the British Society for Anti-Anatomy has accused "AIDS was made in animal laboratories"; Dr. Hickal, a former professor at East Berlin University, also claimed that "AIDS "Man-made"; the Soviet "Pravda" even more directly pierced: "This kind of man-made artificially deficient immune state is likely to be developed by the US military."
What do black people, who account for nearly half of people living with HIV in the United States, think? On January 26, 2005, the National Broadcasting Corporation reported that the famous American think tank Rand Corporation and the University of Oregon disclosed a shocking investigation result:
Nearly half of the 500 African Americans surveyed believed that HIV was "man-made": more than 25% believed the virus was developed by a government laboratory, and 12% believed that the CIA manufactured and transmitted HIV. Most of them think that the government intentionally allows the poor to contract AIDS and then die.
500名受调查的非洲裔美国人中近半认为艾滋病毒是“人为制造”的:超过25%的人相信病毒是政府实验室研制的,12%的人认为中央情报局制造并传播艾滋病毒。 他们大多认为政府有意放任穷人感染艾滋病然后死去。
It is ridiculous that Wang Dan, a so-called democracy activist who went to the United States to seek medical treatment when being bailed out from jail, wrote in the book "Wang Dan’s View on Humanity and Freedom in the United States": "For twenty-five years, AIDS is still a nightmare for human society." And he praised: “Fighting the AIDS epidemic has become one of the goals of American foreign policy.” Who knows who created the nightmare of human society?
On June 2, 2010, the "Global Research" website posted an article on Paul George, a former assistant secretary of the Treasury Administration ’s Treasury and a quasi-chief author of the Wall Street Journal. In an interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary US Treasury, Associate Editor Wall Street Journal, Professor of Political Economy Center for Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown University Washington DC, he gave such comments about his country and people:
2010年6月2日《全球研究(Global Research)》网站登了一篇对曾任里根政府财政部助理部长、《华尔街日报》准主笔的华盛顿乔治城大学战略和国际研究政治经济中心教授保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨(Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary US Treasury, Associate Editor Wall Street Journal, Professor of Political Economy Center for Strategic and International Studies Georgetown University Washington DC.)的访问稿,他最后这么评价自己的国家和人民:
"Americans ... hardly realize that it is because of their destruction of people in other countries that the world is hating Americans more and more. In short, Americans only have themselves in their hearts. They don’t know their ignorance and their inhumanity have brought many disasters to themselves and the world. Many people in the world, looking at such a seemingly stupid and inhumane country, do not understand why Americans have such an excellent evaluation of themselves. The United States is propagated by neoconservatism as the noble country with an indispensable character. But as a matter of fact, is it a plague that jeopardizes the world, or a country that is much needed by the world? "
Since Americans themselves allege that Lyme arthritis, mutant foot-and-mouth disease, West Nile virus, and HIV are all caused by government laboratories and that AIDS has even claimed more than 30 million lives, who can enjoy the title of “World Plague” other than the United States?
Specially Targeting Chinese People, 96% of the Killed Are Chinese!
According to CCTV News on November 2, 2017: Recently, Russian President Putin expressed "doubt" at the meeting about the collection of "human biological samples" by relevant personnel of the US military in Russia, and expressed great concern about the future world security situation.
Seeing such news, everyone probably feels the same. Although unwilling to admit it, these two words can't be erased anyway: biological warfare!
Screenshot of a CCTV news report, entitled” Genetic Weapons: Selective Killing, More Powerful Than Nuclear Weapons-Genetic warfare: US collects human biological samples in Russia”. 央视报导截图
Even if there are 10,000 reasons for me, it is hard to believe: Is it true that Americans collect a large amount of human biological samples in Russia, in order to find out the genetic defects of Slavs and provide humanitarian medical assistance?
is it possible?
Screenshot of a CCTV news report, entitled “Concerns Over US’ s collection of human biological samples in Russia”. 央视报导截图
Putin does have reason to worry, and even his anger is reasonable! It is necessary to know what it means in the era when such "gene technology" has begun to move into practical use in the United States. I am afraid there is no need to say anything ...
United Nations Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons?
Is the attitude of the United Nations important to the United States? Under the eyes of everyone, as a proponent and a contracting party of the treaty, this country that has been advocating "freedom, democracy, and love" throughout the world, has now retained the world's largest laboratory of biological bacteria and genetic weapons , at Fort Ditrick, Maryland!
Of course, for this kind of behavior, the United States has a good name for "scientific research" ...
Needless to say, with the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the United States, the world's only superpower, has indeed become more and more "do whatever I want!" Even in many cases, some necessary cover-ups have been considered insignificant!
On October 26, the US National Archives' newly announced document on the assassination of Kennedy suddenly appeared such words:
“By the intorduction of biological agents which would appear to be of natural origin. Therefore we must avoid external actitities such as release of chemicals, etc., unless they could be completely covered up.”
Newly published information on the "artificial food crisis" in Cuba.
One should know, this document discloses the time and place of occurrence, which are the United States in 1960!
In other words, as early as 57 years ago, the United States has, in fact, started a planned use of "biological warfare" to attack hostile countries! And after combining the published information and many examples of the world in recent years, we can conclude:
Such behavior in the United States has never stopped!
In the cooperation between science and power, scientific research institutions have been given "protective umbrellas" by the government, and the government has obtained biological weapons of their own dream to "exclude aliens" and seek international rights and interests!
Of course, all evil is destined to slowly devour the world in the darkness that never sees light ...
In 2014, the Canadian Global Research website disclosed such a message:
The United States has always regarded West Africa as an offshore center for biological warfare research that circumvents the Biological Weapons Convention. At present, although there is "no evidence" that Ebola virus was intentionally spread by US laboratories in West Africa, it is pointed out that historically, the US Centers for Disease Control and Research and the CIA have worked closely together.
One stone stirred up thousands of waves. Just after the first Canadian disclosure, the American Boston Globe also revealed such a fact that Americans don’t want to acknowledge:
From 1946 to 1948, under Truman's leadership, the United States government conducted human experiments on more than 500 Guatemalan people: more than 1,700 people were intentionally infected with syphilis.
Screenshot of a CCTV news report, entitled “US Apologies to Guatemala for Secret Human Experiments” 央视报导截图
After the case was exposed in 2010, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton apologized to Guatemala for this.
Not only that, in the Boston Globe article, they also raised such a question about the "Ebola virus" that was ravaging Africa at the time:
“How did the Ebola virus first discovered in Zaire in 1976 travel to West Africa from 3,500 kilometers? “
Indeed, from the perspective of the spread of the virus, in the African region where the population is relatively fixed and the commodity economy is very backward, if the virus is only in the natural environment, it will spread from the Congo region in Central Africa to West Africa, 3500 kilometers away. , And there is no virus transmission link along the way, just an outbreak at two points!
One has to say that all this is really incredible ...
Of course, in response to this question, the "New York Times" of the United States answered us in a timely manner:
The New York Times reported that as early as 1976, a subtype of Ebola virus was discovered in Zaire. The World Health Organization ordered the virus to be sent to Burton Hills (Note: The British Government Military Technology Park, located in Wiltshire)-the British version of Fort Dietrich.
《纽约时报》报道称:早在1976年,发现于扎伊尔的亚型埃博拉病毒。由世界卫生组织下令将该病毒送往英国波顿丘陵 (注:英国政府军工科技园,坐落于威尔特郡)——也就是英国版的迪特里克堡。
So, after a lapse of 38 years, the former subtype Ebola was transformed into "Zombie" Ebola that destroyed West Africa! Not only that, but it also moved 3,500 kilometers out of thin air!
Natural or Man-Made disaster?
Of course, what is even more interesting is that when the Ebola epidemic broke out in West Africa in 2014, the United States, one of the United Nations-designated humanitarian aid countries, sent so-called “rescuers” to Liberia at the time of the most critical outbreak. "Rescuers" are not actually professional medical paramedics. On the contrary, they send real troops there!
In response to this move by the United States, Professor Francis Boyle, who was personally responsible for drafting the United States Biological Weapons Counter-Terrorism Act 1989 and a practitioner of international law, said to the outside world:
The American laboratory is the root cause of the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa! I have solid evidence on this point-documents from the Pentagon.
US "Dittrick" used to be the subject of a suspense movie in Hollywood 曾作为好莱坞悬疑电影题材的美国“迪特里克堡”
At the same time, among the biochemical fighters who personally participated in the "rescue operation", some participants admitted anonymously to the New York Times that they were not there for inspection or treatment. They were only responsible for sampling and assisting the laboratory.
The domestic military questioned and protested the sending of troops to the West African region for "rescue" and the "health and safety" of sending soldiers. At that time, the U.S. military assured the people "seriously" that the risk of these soldiers being infected by the virus is "minor".
May we ask who gave Americans a guarantee of "minor" infection risk? !
Studies have shown that the Ebola virus's ability to infect white people is very slight, and even if infected, it can be cured quickly.
Collecting samples, laboratories, the military, and the disease are mainly targeted at blacks,the strange transmission and inexplicable outbreaks ...
Isn’t this a "conspiracy"?
Perhaps all this seems so cruel and unacceptable to those of us who are used to live under the "light"! But isn't the world today the way Mr. Lu Xun portrayed?
‘Ethics and Morality’ are written on each page crookedly. I couldn't sleep horizontally, and I looked at it in the middle of the night before I saw the words in the seam. There were two words written in it--cannibalism!
----- Lu Xun. "The Madman's Diary"
-----鲁迅 .《狂人日记》
Again: good people, never try to measure "human nature", otherwise, after learning the truth, they will be "crazy"!
It is true that the African continent, as the poorest region in the world, does have a lot of behaviors that in our opinion are "outrageous":
Genocide, civil war, riots, owning fertile land, but not thinking about farming, be willing to be poor, not wanting to make progress…
For at least a few hundred years of exposure to external civilizations, this is the most true portrayal of life for all people on this continent!
In the eyes of white people, they are "talking orangutans"! Africans seem to be born as slaves on cargo ships of the white people, and they should be born and exploited indiscriminately by them ...
At that time, Africa was static! It seems that there is not much difference between 100 years ago and 100 years later.
However, in recent decades, as a country begins to get involved in African affairs, all this is undergoing a rapid transformation!
Tanzania-Zambia Railway, Mongolian Railway, Angola Railway Project, Alta Hospital, Addis Ababa Hospital, Octa Park Bridge Windex Stadium, Dakar Theatre, Sine Highway ..................
With the aid of China, Africa is undergoing earth-shaking changes today!
Whistling train
Straight wide highway
A modern city
A hospital exudes science
Bridge across the river
Kind Chinese ..........
In fertile Africa, the Chinese and Africans work together in the fields! Under the leadership of the Chinese, Africa, once full of poverty and disease, is gradually getting rid of the nightmare of the past! Under the guidance of China, the economies of African countries are constantly refreshing their unbearable "history"!
The Chinese bring prosperity and stability, and the West only brings poverty and killing.
- Benin Prime Minister, Pascal Kupaki
Needless to say, in recent years, as China and African countries have become more economically connected to each other, with the support of China, Africa, once forgotten by the world, is now refreshing the world ’s perception !
Which country has the most influence in Africa today? No doubt, the answer is definitely China.
Beginning in the 1960s, Sino-African relations have prospered for half a century. On the international stage today, they are increasingly becoming the best stage for "Chinese economic model"!
Obviously, all these "prosperous" situations are not what some "democratic countries" are willing to see! How to combat China's status in their hearts during the crisis has become a question that has to be considered .....
So it was such a coincidence that "Ebola" broke out!
In just a few months, more than 24,000 people were infected, more than 11,000 died, and Africa without vaccine development capabilities had to turn its attention to the world under such a "virus raid"!
There are vaccines in the US, but their produciton capacity is "insufficient"! Russia has vaccines, but they are "expensive" and cost $160 each ...
So everything seems to depend on China!
Time is life. Under a blank space, China has successfully developed the "Ebola virus vaccine" with clinical effect far superior to that of the United States and Russia in less than half a year!
Did China save Africa?
No! It was just that In such a weird event, China showed the real strength of an advanced medical country to some bad-hearted countries! Of course, it is better to discreible it is as a deterrence instead of display…
Little is known, in fact, as early as 2003, China's medical system began to set up a "rapid response force" in Chinese medical research!
In the following 17 years, no one knows how many potential hidden dangers from abroad in corners we have no way of knowing have been eliminated by this group of "soldiers in white uniforms" !
There is no doubt that the "white terror" that raged the world in 2003 may still be a past that many people do not want to remember!
Although so far, there is no direct evidence that the SARS outbreak in 2003 was a man-made “conspiracy”.
But through such an epidemic, we can personally experience the horror of infinitely close to the "gene weapon"!
Just as the Ebola virus has always loved black people in Africa so much, the "SARS" virus that once ravaged the world seems to like being close to us Chinese!
Cumulative global infection: 8,437 cases
The total number of infections in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan: 7764
Finland 1, France 7, Germany 10, Italy 1, Kuwait 1, United States 75
It's so amazing!
In China, it seems that as long as one person suspects a case, the entire school must isolate the "terror virus", but once it arrived in Western society, it immediately became a "little negligible" small flu. The SARS virus in Europe and America is dwarfed as the MARS virus ...
Like with the case of Ebola virus, Western society at the time also gave corresponding explanations for the outbreak of influenza in China:
Poor medical environment and dense population density have contributed to the raging flu…
In fact, for such an explanation, at that time, many people in the country, under the assistance of many “public intellectuals” , quite a few people were brainwashed and really believed!
Indeed, in our eyes, the medical conditions in the West were indeed advanced for more than 50 years compared with our domestic ones!
For example, there are many stories that patients who have caught terrible cancer got cured after being sent to the United States for treatment. They return to the country, and has become hot topics for people’s everyday chats ....
But when drinking such "chicken soup", almost all of us have overlooked a fact:
As the United States with the largest number of infections in Western countries at the time, its infected members were almost all "Chinese." And among different ethnic groups, the symptoms of Chinese descent are the most severe and difficult to suppress!
If you still feel unclear about this, we can take a look at this set of data comparison:
Thailand 9, Vietnam 63, Indonesia 2, Philippines 14
Singapore 206
Is it an environmental issue, or a Medical problem?
In the Southeast Asia region, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines are separated by a gulf of water from Singapore. In the natural environment, there is really no difference!
In the end, what caused Singapore, which has a comparable medical system in Europe and the United States, to be infected several hundred times more than in the same region and other countries?
Everyone knows! Singapore is a typical "Chinese country"
This is the terror of SARS! As soon as you are exposed to the virus, even if you hide it in the crowd, the virus seems to identify you as a Chinese!
Needless to say, the moment when the SARS virus broke out in China, everything was really like what we sing in our national anthem:
The Chinese nation has arrived at the most dangerous moment!
This is not sensational! Just 17 years ago, we were just hovering on the brink of "annihilation"! Within two months of the outbreak, the number of people infected in China rapidly increased from one to almost 5,000!
If it were not for the Chinese government and the medical system at that time, the national efforts to quickly control the spread of the disease and the rapid development of a virus vaccine.
Let's think about it. If the Chinese medical system at the time did not detect the pathological characteristics of SARS, which is only for Chinese, if you listened to the so-called "acute flu theory" in the West, let it develop for two months. What is 5000 times of 5000?
25 million people!
In the ideal mode, at the previous rate, about 20 million Chinese will be declared "infected"! How long does it take? Just four months!
What a horror!
At this rate, if there is really no control at all or the related vaccines are difficult to implement, I am afraid that in less than 3 months, China's social order will fall into complete collapse! After 5 months, China has lost all national organizational capabilities!
Is the atomic bomb powerful? In front of genetic weapons, an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb may not even be a weapon at all!
Compared with genetic weapons, even hydrogen bombs are not so terrible.
In the classification of human infectious diseases, the Ebola virus that caused the death of more than 17,000 people was only defined as "Class IV", and the SARS virus that broke out in China was defined as "Class VI" at the highest level!
For the "holocaust" of 17 years ago, most of us felt that it was scary, but not that dangerous. However, when we are amazed by the power of our country, we also should be alert to the fact:
A "gene weapon" for a certain race has been formed at least in theory!
As for the consequences?
17 years ago, was such a large-scale infectious disease with a Chinese mortality rate accounting for 96% of the total mortality rate, wasn't it enough to alert each of us?
Maybe a catastrophe like 17 years ago is really like the conclusion of an official investigation: It was a "virus" that happened by accident and just “happened to be” extremely lethal to Chinese people. Remember: Even Japan and the Philippines next door all come with immune genes! A virus that the whole world is not afraid of, but only kill us?
However, after three years of fermentation of the Ebola virus incident in Africa, more and more evidence has now begun to point the source of this 21st-century demon virus to the United States on the other side!
Undoubtedly, scientific progress is a double-edged sword. Of course, when it greatly promotes the development of human civilization, it will inevitably become some "ambitionist" means to gain interests for themselves!
After World War II, the Americans who chose to accept the wicked and doomed Japanese 731 unit may have already made their own choices at that time!
Either the United States or the United Kingdom! It is really difficult for us to imagine that under the huge annual research activities, are they really just researching how to "make cakes" in the laboratory?
The United States' collection of Russian physiological samples has even reached the point where Putin has to "protest"! Perhaps the elderly in many health centers in China and the people working in foreign companies should also pay attention to this matter:
Should one cooperate when some non-formal and private medical units collect samples and blood?
Each nation has its own genetic code. As the Chinese nation with Han as the main body, it is even more vulnerable when faced with such "traps"!
How to guard our own genetic code is not only responsible for ourselves but also responsible for the future of our nation and the motherland of 5,000 years!
Don't be greedy for small gains! Don't stand idly by!
When disaster strikes, no matter where you hide, no matter how you disguise, no matter which country’s passport you hold, there is one thing that you cannot change: the blood flowing in you body…
The blood and genes locked by the enemy can sentence you to death!
Every Chinese, don't stand idly by!
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