All tagged 武漢肺炎
This is an internal document circulating on the Internet, which I personally believe to be credible. There are many contents in it that are worthy of attention and reference 此爲網上流傳的一份內部文件,我個人認爲可信度較高。內有很多內容值得關注和參考,故此發表。
First time ever! Someone with inside knowledge of what happened in #Wuhan, who saw with his own eyes, as a medical professional who had worked at #Zhongnan Hospital of #WuhanUniversity during the peak of #COVID19 #pandemic, came forward to share with the world what he witnessed, felt and thought in those locked down days, and what lessons the world needs to learn! 世界首次,震撼爆料!「停車場堆了1000多具屍體!」來自武漢大學中南醫院的一線醫務人員首次公開他在武漢疫情高峯期間所見所聞,所思所感!
A leaked meeting note shows that Chongqing City was recently criticized by the State Council of China for its low vaccination rate, and the local governments are under great pressure to “zero out” the non-vaccinated population. 曾錚獨家接獲的一份重慶榮昌區政府工作會議記錄顯示,重慶市因疫苗接種率被國務院通報,目前正下達死任務進行「各部門清零。」
As a result, my in-laws felt that Western society discriminated against Chinese and were afraid to tell us if they were sick, not wanting to go to the hospital for fear of being discriminated against. 结果我公公婆婆觉得西方社会歧视华人,有病了不敢告诉我们,不想去医院,怕被歧视。公公死于家中。
“ Our nuclear missiles must be so numerous that the U.S. elite will tremble at the thought of military confrontation with China at that time.”
A top Chinese academic, made a startling admission that China has won a "biological war" in 2020, and will lead the new wave of human modernization after "the biology revolution".
Yes, I kind of agree that people are beyond stupidity sometimes, as all human beings are living a maze. So we can’t know the real reasons behind what on the surface. 仔細想想,人哪,是有多麼愚蠢啊,是吧?完全抓不到重點,抓不到要害。
Sinopharm's senior management had received the vaccine a year ago and claimed that the antibodies were still at a high level a year later. 一年前國藥集團高層就接種了疫苗,並聲稱一年後抗體仍保存較高水平
Now that the Chinese Communist Party has a virus like SARS-CoV-2, it can use this virus and its variants as biochemical weapons for further development. The international community should be fully aware of this danger. 現在中共已經擁有了像SARS-CoV-2這樣的病毒,它們可以把這個病毒及其變種作為生化武器來進一步開發。國際社會應該充分看到這個危險性。
25,212 people were confirmed to be infected, 2,321 people died, and those who have been in close contact are still being identified. 这次变异病毒最开始发现时间是两会时期,但是一直瞒着,为了开会不报导。
However, it is often easy to overlook the fact that the CCP has something even more damaging to do to India than this latest border conflict: the pandemic of the Chinese Communist virus (Wukhan Pneumonia) in which India is mired. 然而,往往容易被人忽略的,中共還有比最近這場邊境衝突更危害印度的事,那就是印度正深陷其中的中共病毒(武漢肺炎)大瘟疫。
These documents show how the CCP was strictly guarding information related to the pandemic. 通知揭示出,中共視疫情真相為「國家祕密」,嚴防外泄。