How Asian Hate Propaganda Kills an Asian Life in Canada 「亞裔受歧視 」的宣傳殺死加拿大亞裔
(Jennifer’s note: Today I saw my friend Cindy Li shared her family tragedy on Facebook. Her father in law was virtually killed by the fake Asian hate propaganda, as he dared not seek treatment after being infected by CCP Virus (COVID19) . Her mother in law almost died too, if she had not be found to be critically ill and sent to hospital by her son.
Right now both Cindy’s mother in law and husband are critically ill with CCP Virus. She asked her friends to pray for them.
She also called the CIK and cancelled their Chinese language service. When asked why, she said, “Your programs killed people.”
Before is the translation of one of her Facebook posts in Chinese)
(曾錚注:我的加拿大朋友Cindy Li 的公公因相信親共媒體亞裔受歧視的宣傳,感染中共病毒後不敢去醫院,死在家中,她婆婆在病情嚴重的情況下,才被她先生發現送到醫院。目前她的先生與婆婆的病情都很重。婆婆告訴她把CIK的中文電視退了,因爲到了醫院才發現根本沒有受歧視,完全上當了。我把Cindy Li 的臉書貼翻譯成英文,發表如下。中文在英文之後。)
What a Painful Realization
In 2012, after my in-laws moved out to live on their own, I don’t know where they learned about CIK Internet Chinese TV, so they installed it.
There are many TV stations in mainland China, such as Hong Kong’s Phoenix TV, etc, [but not many in Canada). My husband told them many times that these TV stations are spreading poison and it is better not to watch them.
However, they feel uncomfortable living here without these Chinese TV stations and refuse to cancel it.
During last year's US election, the local US media cursed a lot. The Chinese communist media were even eager to throw the U. S. into chaos, and reprinted negative information about the U.S. on a large scale, which cannot be called news because I believe many of them are lies.
As a result, my in-laws felt that Western society discriminated against Chinese and were afraid to tell us if they were sick, not wanting to go to the hospital for fear of being discriminated against.
My father-in-law died at home.
When my mother-in-law was very sick, my husband found out and took her to the hospital.
In the hospital, she found out that the Canadian medical staff treated her better than the Chinese children treated their parents! There is no discrimination here! And it is full of humane care, what the TV says are all lies.
She told me today that she wanted to cancel CIK's Chinese TV service. What a painful realization!
I called [CIK’s] customer service and was asked the reason for cancellation and I told the lady truthfully that your TV show kills people ......
Screenshot of Cindy Li’s Facebook post.