"I am in Absolute Tears Reading Your Book" 「你的書讓我淚如泉涌」
Very moving feedback from a reader of my memoir "Witnessing History:One woman's fight for freedom and Falun Gong" this morning:
今天早上收到如下令人非常感動的讀者反饋。他正在讀我的自傳《靜水流深》的英文版 "Witnessing History:One woman's fight for freedom and Falun Gong" 。
"Oh gosh Jennifer, I am in absolute tears reading your book this morning; how many other practitioners are being '''transformed'' around you, and you feel the hand in your mind trying to make you breed demons in your own mind... then you call out to God ''Why hast thou forsaken me''... so powerful, so real, so honest, so tragic... I really feel your pain. So amazing you survived. You survived the thousands and thousands of demons, and what saved you was not wanting to ruin the other non-practitioners who had faith in you, your strong will to save others, your pure compassionate heart."
「哦, 我的老天,曾錚,今天早上我讀你的書時,禁不住淚如泉涌!我讀到在你周圍,有那麼多的法輪功學員被『轉化』,你感到有一只手在攪動你的大腦,險些讓你自心生魔……你苦苦地呼喊『主啊,別拋棄我!』……如此震撼,如此真實,如此坦誠,如此悲慘……我能深深地感受到你的痛苦。你能倖存下來,真是一個奇蹟!你戰勝了萬千的邪魔,拯救你的,是你對周圍人的關切,你不想毀掉那些對你寄予厚望和信任的非法輪功學員,還有你強烈的想拯救他人的意願,以及你的純淨慈悲之心。」
Jennifer in her book launch in Taiwan in January 2004. 曾錚攝於2004年1月臺灣臺北新書發表會期間。