"Death by China" and "Free China" 《致命中國》與《自由中國》

"Death by China" and "Free China" 《致命中國》與《自由中國》

A group photo after documentary "Death by China"'s screening at  Quad Cinema in New York on August 26, 2012. Mr. Peter Navarro (4th from the right), now the Director of Trade and Industrial Policy, and the Director of the White House National Trade Council,  was the director of this documentary.  Key members of "Free China" including Kean Wong, the producers(2nd from the right), Dr. Charles Lee, the main character (1st from the right) and Jennifer are also there to show support.

2012年8月26日,《致命中國》紀錄片在紐約Quad電影院上映後,電影導演納瓦羅(Peter Navarro)(右四),現川普總統貿易顧問、白宮全國貿易委員會主任與前來聲援的《自由中國》劇組人員,包括黃升建(製作人,右二),主角之一李祥春(右一)、主角之一曾錚,及其他人士合影。

Free China and Death by China team.jpg
A Sea Gull 海鷗

A Sea Gull 海鷗

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"Ultimate Beauty" 「終極的美麗——『國家犯罪』抨擊者王文怡」