Giving A Speech At Heritage Foundation 在美國傳統基金會演講
Jennifer was invited to the Heritage Foundation to give a speech to dozens of their interns, and be to interviewed by their podcast program "Daily Signal" on July 2, 2019. And here are some feedback from the listeners:
2019年7月2日,曾錚應邀到華盛頓著名智庫美國傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation)演講,並接受其旗下媒體 "Daily Signal" 的採訪。以下是幾位聽衆的反饋:
* "I really, really enjoyed Jennifer's talk. "
* "Extremely moving and informative. It shows exactly what we must keep fighting against!"
*" Oh my goodness. That was amazing! Ms. Zeng's testimony was very moving and important to hear. I would love more testimony-type events in the future. Thank you for hosting it."