My Quick Comment on Kudlow's Speech Today 快評库德洛今日演講
Larry Kudlow, National Economic Council Director , President Trump’s top advisor gave a speech on the US economy at the National Press Club today. Here is my quick take away from listening to him on site:
He got the loudest applause (and only round of applause if my memory is correct) when he said “socialism is a loser”. 當他在演講中提到「社會主義已然失敗」時,現場響起了熱烈的(如果我沒記錯的話,也是唯一的一陣)掌聲,充分說明社會主義在現場聽衆中非常不得人心。
He didn’t mention the trade war with China at all during his speech, (although he did answer a question about it later). To me, this means that the trade war with China is not that important to the US economy, or doesn’t affect the US economy that much, although the same war is deadly to the Chinese economy, and has pushed the Chinese Communist Party into a corner. 他在整個演講中隻字未提與中國的貿易戰(不過,後來提問環節有觀衆問到此問題,他回答了)。在我看來,這可以解讀爲,對美國經濟而言,與中共的貿易戰並不是那麼重要,因而在演講中可以略過不提。相反,對中共來說,這場貿易戰卻是致命的,而且已經將中共逼到牆角了。
Here is a video of his speech:
Larry Kudlow addressed the National Press Club in Washington on April 23, 2019. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) 库德洛2019年4月23日在美國國家記者部就美國經濟發表演講。(攝影:英文大紀元攝影師Samira Bouaou)
Larry Kudlow addressed the National Press Club in Washington on April 23, 2019. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) 库德洛2019年4月23日在美國國家記者部就美國經濟發表演講。(攝影:英文大紀元攝影師Samira Bouaou)