Passing On 善意與美德的傳遞
What do you do when you receive something you cannot really pay back? Pass on something to others. This is what I just did. Donation to Friends of Falun Gong will be used to make phone calls to China to help Chinese people to gain free information, see the Chinese Communist Party for what it is, and make a better choice for their own future.
Donation to Friends of Falun Gong. 善意與美德的傳遞
Falun Gong practitioners meditating in front of the Chinese Consulate in Washington DC to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Falun Gong's April 25 Appeal in Beijing on April 14, 2019. (photo by Lisa Fan. ) 2019年4月14日,華盛頓特區部份法輪功學員在中領館前舉行紀念「四·二五」萬人大上訪二十週年活動。(攝影:李莎)