Protesting against Organ Harvesting 抗議中共活摘罪行

Protesting against Organ Harvesting 抗議中共活摘罪行

Jennifer giving a speech to protest against live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners on March 14, 2006, outside the Chinese Consulate in Sydney. 2006年3月14日,曾錚在悉尼中領館外抗議中共活摘法輪功學員器官的活動中發言。

 How Do I Manage to Get Compensation from Australian Government while Living in the US? 身在美國 坐吃澳洲福利!

How Do I Manage to Get Compensation from Australian Government while Living in the US? 身在美國 坐吃澳洲福利!

Farmland in Australia 相思農場

Farmland in Australia 相思農場