Quit the CCP 飽經風霜 堅定不移
Falun Gong practitioner Wang Chunying holding a "Quit the CCP( Chinese Communist Party) sign at a public rally in Sydney in Augus 2006. Both her son Li Liang and her daughter Li Ying had been imprisoned in China for practicing Falun Gong; and her son's whereabouts were still unknown at the time of the rally.
這名白髮老人叫王純英。她的兒子李良因修煉法輪功,自99年起一直被關押;她的女兒李迎,亦被關押兩年,在澳洲政府幫助下,才來到澳洲與其未婚夫團聚。飽經風霜的老人目光中透著堅定不移,那是對正義必勝的堅定信念。拍攝日期:2006年4月8日 拍攝地點:悉尼