Sweet Moment 愜意

Sweet Moment 愜意

On Oct. 6, 2020. Photo by Olivia Jingyi, member of Jilin Province Photographers Association of China. 曾錚2020年10月6日攝於紐約某處。攝影:吉林省攝影家協會成員 Olivia Jingyi

In Pictures: Million MAGA March in Washington DC 圖片報導:百萬挺川華盛頓大遊行

In Pictures: Million MAGA March in Washington DC 圖片報導:百萬挺川華盛頓大遊行

A President at War with the Media, Who Can Check the Unrestrained Expansion of the Media’s Power?

A President at War with the Media, Who Can Check the Unrestrained Expansion of the Media’s Power?