All tagged 新冠疫情

【獨家爆料】 一線醫務人員首次披露:「 我在武漢中南醫院看見一千多具屍體」


Exclusive Eyewitness Account: I Saw Over 1000 Bodies in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University 獨家爆料:我在武漢中南醫院看見一千多具屍體

First time ever! Someone with inside knowledge of what happened in #Wuhan, who saw with his own eyes, as a medical professional who had worked at #Zhongnan Hospital of #WuhanUniversity during the peak of #COVID19 #pandemic, came forward to share with the world what he witnessed, felt and thought in those locked down days, and what lessons the world needs to learn! 世界首次,震撼爆料!「停車場堆了1000多具屍體!」來自武漢大學中南醫院的一線醫務人員首次公開他在武漢疫情高峯期間所見所聞,所思所感!