All tagged 軍事
The producer of the Chinese spy balloons , China Zhuzhou Rubber Research & Design Institute Co Ltd. (中国化工株洲橡胶研究设计院有限公司), is a government-owned military research institute with weapon production licenses. 株洲橡胶研究设计院有限公司是中共解放軍部队各军种气象气球的定点研究,有武器装备科研生产许可证、武器装备科研生产二级保密资格证书
An official letter from the Southern War Zone of the PLA of China shows that a school in Zhanjiang City in Guangdong Province was required to establish an internet self-media and publish opinion detachment. 一份中共解放軍南部戰區的公文顯示,广東湛江南海學校被要求建立「對臺有關」的互聯網自媒體暨輿論分隊。
We will mobilize the whole nation and shift to the wartime mechanism, mobilize the entire force of our nation, sacrifice bravely, infinitely escalate the war form ultimately to the nuclear war, and resolutely destroy Japan. 動員全國人民,轉入戰時機制,興全國之力,不畏犧牲,無限升級戰爭形態,直到核戰爭,堅決把日本滅國。
We will use nuclear bombs first. We will use nuclear bombs continuously until Japan declares unconditional surrender for the second time. 首戰用核彈,連續用核彈,直到日本第二次宣佈無條件投降。