All tagged Human Rights

Secretly Recorded Footage Shows Slave Labor, Effects of Torture in Chinese Labor Camp

In undercover footage shot inside China’s notorious Masanjia labor camp, prisoners are shown hunched over work tables, with piles of wire diodes—an electronic component—on either side of a rubber mat./Working silently, intently, and urgently, they take diodes from the pile on the left, rub them on the mat, straightening them, and then place them in the pile on the right.

The Face

Zeng says Falun Gong has spread so quickly simply "because it is so good"; the positive effects on followers' physical and mental health are "so obvious". She says she wrote her book to "expose the evil" of China's labour camps and to highlight the plight of other Falun Gong inmates: "What we ask is for an end to the persecution and for the freedom to practise our own beliefs. I regard that as basic human rights -- it's not political at all."