I’ve also Seen a UFO 我也看見過UFO飛碟

I’ve also Seen a UFO 我也看見過UFO飛碟

Kurt Russell, a world famous actor, recently broke a 20-year silence about witnessing first hand the US' biggest ever mass UFO sighting in a BBC interview. This reminded me of a similar incident I experienced in the late 1970s, or early 1980s, in which I believe that I had also seen a UFO.  

最近知名演員寇特·羅素(Kurt Russell)在一次BBC的採訪中透露,他是20年前發生在鳳凰城的美國最大的UFO事件中的那位被稱爲不知其名(unknow)的目擊機長!當他講出這個經歷時,在場幾位嘉賓似乎一時被驚得不知該說什麼好。


I was about 10 years old then. At that time many people in China were still living in a somewhat “collective” way. People working for the same workplace not only worked together, but also lived together in dwellings belonging to the workplace, but assigned to the workers and their families to live. The workplace also organized limited entertainment events such as outdoor movies for its employees and their families. So in the factory that my father worked for, there was usually one free outdoor movie per week. 


One night while watching a movie with over 100 other people, I somehow noticed a round, orange object with a spiral structure and slightly bigger than the sun rising from the horizon, at the same spot where the sun rises every day. It slowly spun and moved across the sky. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but closely followed its movement with my eyes. With a slow but steady pace, it soon sank underneath a mountain just like the sun; only the path it took was a different one. Our small town was “screened” by two mountains. The sun sinks beneath the mountain at the western side; while that object sank from the other mountain in the east. 


I also noticed that nobody else except me had ever paid any attention to this object, as other people were all watching the movie with undivided attention. 


Several days later, I heard that UFO was sighted in our county. So I figured that what I had seen must also be one. 


I have always believed so; although I've never spoken about it before. From all the evidence we have gathered, we might as well take the existence of “aliens” more seriously. 



Video: 附視頻
Kurt Russell was the civil pilot witness to the Phoenix lights UFO:
寇特·羅素(Kurt Russell)在採訪中談論20年前目擊UFO的經歷



