CCP Expert: We Copy Barbarically Into the World's First Row 中共專家自認野蠻抄襲進世界第一排

CCP Expert: We Copy Barbarically Into the World's First Row 中共專家自認野蠻抄襲進世界第一排

(Jennifer’s note: The following is a resent speech by Zang Qichao, equity capital expert, advisor to Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Former general manager of Shirong Real Estate Group, China Enterprise Culture, and Etwod, author of dozens of books. This is his bio at Baidu. According to this website, he is appointed by 60 most famous universities in China including Tsinghua University and Peking University as a visiting professor. In the past 10 years, he has been giving internal training and consultancy to enterprises in over 200 big cities, and has affected nearly 12 million students.)

(曾錚注:以下是中共國股權融資專家臧其超近日一次講話的文字,是從以下視頻中聽打出來的。據百度上的資料,臧其超是中国咨询式股权投融资专家,曾任世融地产、中企文化、天下易通公司总经理 ,有多部代表作,是中國銀行、工商銀等多家銀行的顧問。據文檔之家介紹,他是“ 名校聘请最多:清华、北大等60所大学客座教授、受聘院校全国之最。接触企业最多:近10年年内训咨询走遍中国200多个地级市(全国2/3地级市), 影响学员近1200万。”)

Reform and open the door of the country. Let the foreigners come in. Bring us the technology, cars, money, experiences and wisdom.


The Chinese government cannot copy foreigners, but what has the Chinese government done? It encouraged the people to start their own businesses. And what to do with the foreigners? Partner them to learn to do it alone. Partner them to learn to do it alone. Partner them to learn to do it alone. Partner them to learn to do it alone.


Forty years have passed in a flash. We learned it, and now we have all become single-operators. When we look back, the plants are our ours, equipment is ours, technology is ours, patents are ours, products are ours, the market is ours, the brands are our ours. The foreigners have all gone.


That's why our Foreign Minister Yang (Jiechi) and Wang (Yi) could be so tough when they talked to the US. (They could said), you have no right, hahahaha, to talk to us in this way.


You find that looking back, we've been doing one thing for forty years: copying. We've been copying all the way until we are in the world's first row. We copy barbarically, plagiarize barbarically. What is intellectual property rights? What is patented technology? (Who cares?) We do it first.


But when we suddenly look back, we found two things.


1. The United States found out. They don't let us copy anymore.


2. We also found out. Why? We are already in the first row through copying. Going forward, there is no more paper for us to copy.


Then we think, where did the paper come from? Where does the patent come from? We have to develop and research ourselves. This time our government immediately put forward a, from now on, you need to understand, we can't say it too plainly, so we put forward a slogan called development is the first priority.


Now we tear that down and replace it with what? Innovation is the first productivity.


The government has long ago, five years ago, ten years ago, put forward such a slogan, only we didn't know it.



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