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作者可以說是當今中國社會中的「天之驕子」﹐怎麼會參加這個關懷弱勢群體﹐甚至被中共統治集團視為「邪教」的法輪功呢﹖這些都使我這個「檻外人」 感到興趣﹐並且從中探討。
Like other practitioners, Zeng couldn't believe the government would go as far as it did to crack down on something so seemingly harmless and beneficial, until she found herself under arrest in 2000.
If you have ever read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago, in which the tyranny of the Soviet proletariat was exposed in great detail, you will again be taken to familiar ground, through Zheng Zeng’s personal experiences in Still Water Runs Deep, in the so-called re-education through labour camps in China.
Visiting the Sunshine Coast this week to launch her new book “Witnessing History: One Woman' s Fight for Freedom and Falun Gong” (Allen & Unwin), Sydney mum, tells of her harrowing ordeal.
“Jennifer Zeng’s memoir, Witnessing History—One Woman''s Fight for Freedom and Falun Gong, is the kind of book that leaves you feeling shocked, depressed and—most of all—angry.
Zeng says Falun Gong has spread so quickly simply "because it is so good"; the positive effects on followers' physical and mental health are "so obvious". She says she wrote her book to "expose the evil" of China's labour camps and to highlight the plight of other Falun Gong inmates: "What we ask is for an end to the persecution and for the freedom to practise our own beliefs. I regard that as basic human rights -- it's not political at all."
作者曾錚在自序中說,她用全部的生命, 歷經人世不堪的萬千苦難,只為了泣血頓首的將這些真相捧給世人,這本書所揭露的事實必將是本世紀初對人性尊嚴最沈重的呼喚。
Jennifer Zeng’s memoir, Witnessing History—One Woman's Fight for Freedom and Falun Gong, is the kind of book that leaves you feeling shocked, depressed and—most of all—angry.
One woman's harrowing story of imprisonment and survival in the face of the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong.