Top Prize 獲獎時刻

Top Prize 獲獎時刻

Jennifer Zeng is pictured at the award ceremony for the Free Speech Film Festival, on May 12,  2012, in Philadelphia. The movie "Free China," in which Ms. Zeng's story of suffering persecution in China for her belief in Falun Gong is featured, took top honors at the festival. (Edward Dai/The Epoch Times)

曾錚2012年5月12日在美國費城「自由言論電影節」頒獎晚上上。《自由中國:有勇氣相信》獲該電影節大獎。攝影:大紀元Edward Dai。

‘Free China’ Movie Wins International Award

‘Free China’ Movie Wins International Award

Am I Cute 我可愛嗎?

Am I Cute 我可愛嗎?