Winning the "Free Speech Bell" 頒獎典禮

Winning the "Free Speech Bell" 頒獎典禮

Jennifer Zeng is pictured at the award ceremony for the Free Speech Film Festival, on May 16, 2012, in Philadelphia. The movie "Free China," in which Ms. Zeng's story of suffering persecution in China for her belief in Falun Gong is featured, took top honors at the festival. (Edward Dai/The Epoch Times)

曾錚2012年5月16日攝於美國費城美國哲學學會的本杰明.富蘭克林大禮堂(Benjamin Franklin Hall)「首屆言論自由電影節」(Inaugural Free Speech Film Festival)和「2012年首屆言論自由頒獎儀式」(Inaugural 2012 Free Speech Awards Ceremony)頒獎典禮上。該電影節和頒獎儀式由「美國洞見」(American Insight)組織主辦。有6部影片獲電影節大獎提名,其中以曾錚的故事爲主線之一的紀錄片《自由中國:有勇氣相信》勝出,獲得本屆電影節大獎。

Cameo Fragment with Jupiter Astride an Eagle & Rape of Ganymede 珠寶浮雕甘尼美蒂被擄

Cameo Fragment with Jupiter Astride an Eagle & Rape of Ganymede 珠寶浮雕甘尼美蒂被擄

Michelangelo Sleeping Reclining Male Nude 米開郞基羅手稿(珍貴友誼唯一「物證」)

Michelangelo Sleeping Reclining Male Nude 米開郞基羅手稿(珍貴友誼唯一「物證」)