Am I the Reincarnation of Jane Austen? 我與简·奥斯汀有啥關係?
英國著名作家简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)
英國著名作家简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)
After I posted this photo of me on July 18, 2017, a friend sent me two pictures of Jane Austen, and said that he was 100% sure that I was the reincarnation of her. His reasons are:
1. He thought I look like her very much; and my talent in writing is also very much like hers.
我的臉書朋友李明净在看了我這張照片後,給我發來兩張英國著名作家简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)的圖片,並說他100%確信我是她的轉世。以下是他的理由,不知您看完後是否同意他的說法?
「告知您三點:一、我最開始看到這張照片和英文的介紹的時候,感覺好像在扮演一個英倫的什麽角色,但不知道是誰,所以就沒有多想,後來看新唐人的新聞的時候,新聞簡訊裏先後兩次提到Jane Austen的週年紀念,我當時靈光一閃,我感覺我的那個問題有答案了,於是立即就查了一下她的介紹,不看不知道,一看嚇一跳,哇,照片上的人和文才和您本人簡直太像了。
2. Jane Austen died on July 18, 1817, exactly 200 years ago, on the day I posted my photo. He believed that if I didn’t do this intentionally to celebrate my “incarnation”, there must be a higher force behind my “unintentional” behavior of posting the photo exactly 200 years after Jane’s death. He also believes that there is no such a thing as “coincidence” in this world. Everything happens with a reason. So my choice of the date was not a coincidence either.
「然後再一推算您在臉書上發佈這張照片的時間,正好和Jane Austen逝世的時間驚人的一致,爲什麽早不發完不發偏偏在這個時候發呢?除了本人知道原因外有意所爲之外,那就是神的安排了,所以才會將自己的感想文章貼至臉書。
3. When he first posted two pictures of Jane Austen underneath my photo, he wasn’t 100% sure that I was her. So he later went to read Jane’s book “Pride and Prejudice”; and was dumbfounded by how the feelings this book gave him were exactly like those when he read the Chinese version of my book “Witnessing History: one woman’s fight for freedom and Falun Gong” several years ago. Our great masterings of the delicate emotions and feelings, our wise, cool-headed and objective exposure of human nature, and our sharp criticism and revelation of the evil of the current world, were so similar to each other that he believed now 100% that I WAS the reincarnation of Jane Austen, as, in his words, no matter how many times a person has reincarnated in this world, the essence of his/her life remains the same.
So, he concluded that I was once Jane Austen.
Would you agree?
「二、我本來還不敢百分之百的肯定您是Jane Austen的轉世,但是後來我又去拜讀了一下以上那部英文版的原著,不讀不知道,一讀嚇一跳,書中作者透過文字留給我的無法用語言形容的『感覺』和我多年前看《靜水流深》這本書的感覺簡直一模一樣,那感覺太像了,還有那種對細膩感情的把握,冷靜客觀智慧的揭示人性的醜惡和對現世『邪惡』的揭露和抨擊,手法感覺像極了,所以我現在可以百分之百的確定您就是JaneAusten的轉世,人不管輪回轉世多少世,他或她最生命最本質的東西是永遠不會改變的。
Jennifer at Prospect Park, on June 29, 2017 曾錚2017年6月29日攝於紐約 展望公園(Prospect Park)
Photo credit: Benny Zhang Studio