Once I Had a Dream 夢回英倫

Once I Had a Dream 夢回英倫

When I was a young girl still in the uni, I once dreamed that I was a noble woman of some European country, waking up in my big mansion in a frost with extremely happy mood after a very good night's sleep. My husband was still fast asleep besides me. Then I saw all my kids, 5 or 6 of them, were looking impatiently into the room from outside a window to see if I had woken up. They all pressed their lovely faces against the glass, some of them having their nosed being pressed flat and therefore looking very funny and lovely. Then I suddenly realized that yes, I had promised the kids that I would take them to the woods to pick mushrooms; and they must be very impatient why I had not woken up yet, as the room had already been lightened up with beaming early morning sun light. 
At this stage I woke up. But the extremely happy and sweet feeling was still very vivid; and had accompanied me for a very long time.
Since then I have always been believing that I mush have reincarnated in Europe in one of my previous lives.

Photo credit: Benny Zhang Studio

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