My "Brother Complex" 我的「哥哥情結」

My "Brother Complex" 我的「哥哥情結」

Just as I have shared in The Story of My Father, I was separated from my mother and started living alone with my father in a remote small town in Sichuan Province, China, when I was 4 years old . Life was very hard in that barren place. Although I was as little as only 4, I needed to walk to the kindergarten on foot myself everyday. 
It was a 30 minute walk; and could become extremely challenging on rainy and windy days. We didn’t have umbrellas or rain coats then, and only had straw hats to cover our heads and  protect us from the rain. And rainy and windy days were so numerous! Plus, wind always came together with heavy rain. I remember having to run after my straw hat in tears all the time, as it was always blown away by the wind.
And it was also so cold! The only comfort on those days was the pocket of a “brother” who was our neighbor and lived next door. He was taller and older than me; and his trouser pockets were exactly at the right height for me to put one of my hands inside comfortably on those rainy and windy days. Apart from keeping my hand warm, his pocket also helped to prevent me from being blown away by the strong wind, as I could try my best to “stick” with him with my little hand grasping his pocket.
From then on I always wanted to have a real brother,  who could offer me a “pocket” when I was too cold and was about to be blown away by the wind.
After so many years, I think now I have finally found one! How grateful, how lucky! Thank you so much, my dear brother, for everything!


全球訴江(25) 第三章 全球公審歷史創舉 「本世紀最大的一件事」

全球訴江(25) 第三章 全球公審歷史創舉 「本世紀最大的一件事」

英倫夢廻  何中國

英倫夢廻  何中國