The Story of My Father (2) 我的父親(2)

The Story of My Father (2) 我的父親(2)

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My father had some private schooling when he was young.  When he was older, he had to attend school, which was very far from home. Every day, he needed to finish all his homework at school, as his time after school belonged to family duties, including weaving a certain amount of fabric, which was to be sold at a farmers’ market every ten to fifteen days.



When he became a teenager, my father insisted on going to the capital city of the county to study. My grandmother didn’t want him to go, as he was much needed at home.  She figured: if we find him a wife and get him married, he would then stay, become a strong farmer for the family, and then raise his own children to carry on the family line.


Therefore, they managed to find a girl for him. When he went on an arranged blind date, my father saw that the girl had a “pig-belly” shaped face, and instantly disliked her. With much determination, he refused this marriage arrangement; and overtook many difficulties before he was finally able to go to the capital city, where he eventually met my mother.


When my father told me this story, there was always an unnoticeable trace of contempt on his face. I always thought to myself: How lucky! If father had married that “pig-belly” faced woman, wouldn’t he have been “trapped” in the countryside? If that were the case, there would have never been such a person as me in this world.  Therefore, I have never thought highly of anybody who had a “pig-belly” shaped face, no matter how others praised her for being beautiful.


However, I had never figured out: as a mere teenager, why my father could be so determined about gaining more education when the entire family was against this.


My mother later told me that my father was the eldest student in his class. As a fourth grader at the elementary school, he was already 18 years old.  He studied very hard and showed various talents in different areas.  He was good at singing, playing musical instruments, basketball, swimming, calligraphy and writing.  The essays he wrote were spread amongst the students in the entire county as good examples; and my mother had also read them in school. So, my father was quite a figure even then!


(To be continued 待續)

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In the 1990s’, I revisited my relatives who still lived in the village. The old family house remained unchanged. 1990年代,我再次回到老家,土墻屋依然是舊時模樣。

In the 1990s’, I revisited my relatives who still lived in the village. The old family house remained unchanged. 1990年代,我再次回到老家,土墻屋依然是舊時模樣。

The Story of My Father (3) 我的父親(3)

The Story of My Father (3) 我的父親(3)

The Story of My Father (1) 我的父親 (1)

The Story of My Father (1) 我的父親 (1)