My Quit the CCP Declaration: a reflection of how I was deceived by the Chinese Communist Party into joining it, and how I woke up. 我的退黨聲明:我是怎樣被騙入黨,又是怎樣覺醒並退出的
All tagged 我的父親
My Quit the CCP Declaration: a reflection of how I was deceived by the Chinese Communist Party into joining it, and how I woke up. 我的退黨聲明:我是怎樣被騙入黨,又是怎樣覺醒並退出的
However, while I was feeling extremely concerned for my sister, I had never realized that the moment when my father pushed me out of the door would be the last time that I would ever set my eyes upon him. 不過,當我為妹妹落入魔掌而心痛之時,卻永遠不曾想到,父親將我推出家門的那一刻,竟會成為我們的永訣。
It was about 3:00 am in the morning; with heavy rain pouring down. Everything was so dark, and so strange. 這時已是凌晨三點,下著滂沱大雨。陌生的城市一片漆黑,無比陌生。
During that summer, father had talked far more than in his entire life before. 在那一個夏天,父親跟我說過的話,比他這一輩子中都要多。
Many literary classics had been burnt as “poisonous weeds” before and during the “#CulturalRevolution.” 看書是我孩童時代唯一的樂趣。可是那個年代可看的書太少,很多名著都被當作「毒草」燒掉了。
Mother was very well known for her beauty in Zhongjiang County when she was young, and had a lot of admirers./母親年輕時是中江縣城出名的美女,追求的人很多。
And why should we care about learning the true situation of China? Why does China matter? 我們為什麼需要關心了解中國的真實情況呢?為什麼了解中國很重要呢?
La historia de mi padre es una que necesita ser escuchada./父親的故事/世界需傾聽
The story of my father/is one that needs to be heard. 父親的故事/世界需傾聽
Therefore, it is completely unnecessary to worry about who can lead China without the CCP. A China without the CCP will surely regain its vitality, just like a sick person who was suddenly cured. 擔心「沒有了共產黨,誰來領導中國」,就跟擔心一個多年臥床不起的人,沒有了病還會不會生活了一樣,完全是杞人憂天。
He was even denied the chance to see his daughters on his deathbed. Wasn’t all of this caused by the CCP? I was very confident that my father’s soul would want me to declare his wish to cut any lasting ties with the party. 曾經因修煉法輪大法而使生命綻放異彩的他,如今卻這樣悲苦的離世,甚至在死前都不能見到他最鐘愛的女兒一面,這些不都是拜中共邪黨之所賜嗎?我深信,已經到了另外空間的父親一定會樂見我幫他聲明退黨。
Four months later, I was lucky enough to be able to escape to Australia, and formally begin another stage of my life in exile. 四個月後,我逃到澳洲,開始了海外流亡生涯。
Because of the special circumstances surrounding my sister and me, it was very difficult for us to communicate with each other. 到了預定離開那晚,我如約到了綿陽站,妹妹卻沒有像說好的那樣下車接我。
In April 2000, I was arrested for the fourth time; and then sent to the Beijing Female Labor Camp with a one-year Re-education through Forced Labor sentence. 我於2000年4月第四次被捕,之後判了一年勞教,送到北京女子勞教所。
However, good times did not last long. In July 1999, an overwhelming persecution was instigated against Falun Gong. 可惜,好景不長,99年7月,對法輪功的鎮壓鋪天蓋地的開始,在我還沒完全反應過來之前,就已身陷囹圄好幾次。
Getting rid of presbyopia was just one of the wonderful things that happened to my father after he practiced Falun Gong. 老花眼好了只是修煉後父親身體變化的一個方面,其他的變化還很多,比如
One day, after he finished dancing, my mother and sister were still doing their Falun Gong exercises. So he stood there and waited. Suddenly he saw a huge Falun (which should be invisible, in another dimension) as big as a swimming pool! 有一天,他跳完舞,妹妹和母親還沒煉完功,他就站在一邊等。等著等著,他自己說,他突然看見了(存在於另外空間的)法輪,足有游泳池那麼大!
July 2, 1997 is a day that I will never forget. On July 1 of that year, China took back Hong Kong, and set that day as a public holiday to celebrate. 1997年7月2日,是我永遠不會忘記的一天。那年7月1日中國收回對香港的主權,全國破例放一天假,2號才上班。
When I was in the sophomore class, I received a letter from my father saying that he had joined the Party. His tone was very formal, with a little bit of excitement. 大學二年級時,我接到父親來信。他告訴我他入黨了,語氣很正式,似乎還透著一絲絲的激動。
Thus, until I graduated from high school, for more than three years, my mother hadn’t managed to move to Mianyang and join us. We could only travel back and forth to visit each other during our school breaks.就這樣,一直到我高中畢業,三年多了,媽媽也未能調到綿陽來。一家人只能坐著長途汽車在假期時跑來跑去互相探望。