Hidden Office of CCP's Mouthpieces Exposed 《人民日報》及《環球時報》海外「祕密據點」曝光

Hidden Office of CCP's Mouthpieces Exposed 《人民日報》及《環球時報》海外「祕密據點」曝光

This is the hidden office of People's Daily and Global Times in Diamond Bar, California, USA.  They are both Chinese Communist Party(CCP)'s mouthpieces. 
號外!《人民日報》與《環球時報》的海外「祕密據點」曝光!位於美國加州鑽石吧(Diamond Bar)一個大樓裏!
It was said that they usually hide their signs inside, and none of their names appear on the building directory. So even people who often  go to this building don't know their existence. 
據說,通常它們的牌子都是藏起來的(掛在裏面,外面看不見),大樓裏的「公司目錄(building directory)裏也沒它們的名字。所以連經常去這個大樓的人也不知著名的《人民日報》與《環球時報》原來藏身此處!
This photo was taken on a Sunday, when virtually no one was in the building. That could be the reason why they chose to open to door, maybe for some fresh air.
And, it was said that there was a white man sitting in the office of Editor-in-Chief. 
This reminds me of the following WSJ article I just read today; and I believe we do need to watch out for CCP's propaganda which is becoming more and more skillful. 
China Enlists Western Media to Spread Its Message


A Glimpse of New York 紐約風華 童女心

A Glimpse of New York 紐約風華 童女心

