Four Levels of Living 活著的四個層次
Level 1: Living
Level 2: Living with dignity and honor
Level 3: Living with a clear mind and a knowing heart.
Level 4: Living with a clear mind and a knowing heart,and awakening those who have not be awakened yet.
(以上中文是我抄的,英文是我翻譯的。第四個層次是網友根據Yang's Chinees Taal Altelier的建議加上的。)
Photo: "Take a Closer Look...". A young Falun Gong disciple handling out flyers. It is part of this award winning poster designed by April Yoo below: 圖片:一名小法輪功弟子在發傳單,爲以下獲獎海報局部。設計者:April Yoo
Story behind this photo and poster: 海報背後的故事:
American Student Designs a Human Rights Poster, Gets Censored on LinkedIn
12/21/2017 *