Photo Retouching is a Green Industry 修圖是個利國利民的綠色產業

Photo Retouching is a Green Industry 修圖是個利國利民的綠色產業

When I was in university, a very close male friend once said, “God has created a face for her; but she creates another one for herself.” He was referring to those girls who wore too much makeup.


From him I learned that although girls wanted to look better, to be more attractive by doing makeup, the result could be just the opposite.


From then on I never liked to do much (or any) makeup. I have been a lazy person in the first place; plus, I have also been a nature lover, who loves things in their natural status.


Because of this, I had been very reluctant to even use those very popular “photo retouching” apps. I always doubted whether that would be accounted as cheating…


However, the other day I suddenly remembered that when I was hosting a TV show, I needed to spend at least 40 minutes to do my makeup, to cover-up my skin flaws, to even out the skin tone, etc., to make me look good in front of the camera. I needed to spend a lot of money to buy cosmetics too. 


If a photo retouching app can do the same job in just 40 seconds, without consuming any cosmetics or extra amount of energy (to light your mirror up), it can really be counted as a green industry, right?


Hence, I gave up my resentment and resistance to photo retouching…



Dancing in the Morning Sun 光與影

Dancing in the Morning Sun 光與影

Bishop Ambrose of Milan Baptizing Augustine 奧古斯丁受洗

Bishop Ambrose of Milan Baptizing Augustine 奧古斯丁受洗