True Beauty 美女的特點
According to my observation, a true beauty often forgets her own beauty, or naturally ignores it, or even doesn't know it. She has an innocent heart, never putting on airs as if she were superior to others. Her beauty has never weighed on her mind, or become her attachment. At the same time, she appreciates others' beauty sincerely with goodwill like a child.
In the meantime, she understands that there are more important things in this world than her appearance, and is often too busy with carrying out her mission to worry about whether she is beautiful or not.
1/6/2018 **
2023年9月30日晚,首屆新唐人全球華人選美大賽總決賽與加冕典禮,在紐約帕切斯學院表演藝術中心舉行。來自德州、現居紐約的Cynthia Sun摘得桂冠,成為第一屆新唐人選美小姐——Miss NTD。(Samira Bouaou/大紀元)
2023年9月30日晚,首屆新唐人全球華人選美大賽總決賽與加冕典禮,在紐約帕切斯學院表演藝術中心舉行。來自德州、現居紐約的辛西婭‧孫(Cynthia Sun)摘得桂冠,成為第一屆新唐人選美小姐——Miss NTD。(Samira Bouaou/大紀元
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