Wonderful Young Elderly Ladies 活力四射的「老年人」
I got this photo from Judy Feng, a 69 years old lady from our local Falun Dafa group. She is the second lady from the right playing clarinet in last Saturday (Feb 17, 2018)'s Chinese New Year Parade in Flushing, New York, USA. She told me that the total age of the there ladies from the right is 215; which means that their average age is more than 70. They are still very active, participating in very intensitive training and events every week. Judy said that she is very grateful that the practicing of Falun Dafa keeps her young and full of energy at 69.
這張照片是我們當地法輪功學法小組69歲「高齡」的Judy Feng(前排右二)發給我的,是她參加上週六(2018年2月17日)紐約法拉盛的中國新年大遊行時照的。她說,這張照片中右邊三位女士的總年齡已經215歲了,就是說平均年齡超過70歲。但她們每週參加高強度訓練或遊行活動,仍然是活力四射、精力旺盛。她十分感謝修煉法輪功讓她擁有如此良好的身體和精神狀態。
Judy (second from the left) at our Chinese New Year gathering yesterday(Feb, 18, 2018). 這張是我們當地法輪功學法小組昨天(2018年2月18日)新年聚會時照的,69歲的Judy Feng在左起第二個。
In this photo, Judy moves to the second from the left. The total age of the three ladies from the right is 215, which means their average age is more than 70. 這張照片中,Judy 也在左起第二,正吹得很帶勁呢!左起三位女士總年齡215歲,平均年齡大於70歲。Judy顯然是她們三人中是年輕的。
More photos of the Chinese New Year Parade in Flushing, New York, USA on Feb 17, 2018 (Photo credit: the Epoch Times) 以下圖片皆爲2018年2月17日法拉盛中國新年大遊行。(圖片來源:戴兵/大紀元)