My Tender Love for Scammers

My Tender Love for Scammers

Every day I lose & gain several Facebook friends. I lose friends either because people unfriend me, or because some accounts are fake and get removed by Facebook. I gain friends because I keep on receiving requests. 

There has been a period of time when I would carefully check whether the requests were from authentic accounts. But one day I stopped. Instead, I started receiving all the requests as long as I still had "quota" for them. 

Why did I do that? Because I realized that even if the accounts are fake, but the people who created them are real. I'd like to have those real people read my posts & articles. 

I do believe that many of the posts I am sharing every day contain important messages for people to know, scammers or not. 

Although I know that perhaps most scammers are only interested in trying to hook people into talking with them, and usually don't read Facebook posts at all, I still harbor hope that some of them will,  as we are living in such an important time in history; and people may have been here for thousands of years, only to wait for the arrival of today, when people's eternal fate will be decided by what they hear, what they learn, and what they choose to believe.

And exactly for this reason, I cherish everyone I meet on Facebook, including all the scammers. I only wish that they could somehow sense and receive the important messages containing the Love I receive and pass on, the Love that was bestowed to us when our true lives were first created in the universe. 



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