"I'm an Author!" 「我是作家哦!」

"I'm an Author!" 「我是作家哦!」

Before giving a talk to the public at Garden City Library at Brisbane, Australia on May 19. This was an event hosted by Garden City Creative Writes. 2005年5月19日,曾錚應布里斯本花園城作家團體(Garden City Creative Writes)之邀,到花園城公共圖書館作演講。該照片攝於演講之前。

Event brochure. 活動公告傳單。

Event brochure. 活動公告傳單。

Golden Ray at the Backyard 房前屋後之夕陽篇

Golden Ray at the Backyard 房前屋後之夕陽篇

 Beauty at the Port 帆影點點

Beauty at the Port 帆影點點