"National Treasure" 「國家珍寶」
"This is a woman who was born with profound talent, chose a hard road, and emerged stronger. Given better historical circumstances, Jennifer would have been China’s national treasure. Instead, she is ours. "
Gratefully from Ethan Gutmann, author of "The Slaughter" and 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.
以上評論來自2017年諾貝爾和平獎提名人、《大屠殺》作者、調查記者葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)。真是讓我倍感惶恐,深爲感動。
Jennifer at Central Park in New York on Oct 22, 2017. Photo by Benny Zhang 曾錚2017年10月22日攝於紐約中央公園。攝影:張炳乾