Houses on the Shore 海邊豪宅

Houses on the Shore 海邊豪宅

Sailing along Darling Harbour from underneath the Sydney Bridge, the tour guide would tell you how much these houses' values were; and who were living inside them. The numbers were just astonishing. However, imagine living in one of those houses; an…

Sailing along Darling Harbour from underneath the Sydney Bridge, the tour guide would tell you how much these houses' values were; and who were living inside them. The numbers were just astonishing. However, imagine living in one of those houses; and being able to look at the sea and the boats from your window, you might feel that it was indeed worthwhile to spend that much. 從悉尼大橋下的达令港灣駛向大海時,導遊會告訴你,岸邊的這些豪宅多少錢一棟,都是些甚麼人住在那裏。是聽來令人咋舌的價格。不過,住在豪宅裡,每天看點點白帆從窗前駛過,不會覺得冤吧!

Testifying about the Persecution of Falun Gong before the Sanhedrin 在犹太教宗教法庭就中共迫害法輪功情況作證

Testifying about the Persecution of Falun Gong before the Sanhedrin 在犹太教宗教法庭就中共迫害法輪功情況作證

Catching the Charm of a Gloomy Day 陰天的韻律

Catching the Charm of a Gloomy Day 陰天的韻律