Waiting for the Whistle Blowers 安妮和皮特,我們歡迎你

Waiting for the Whistle Blowers 安妮和皮特,我們歡迎你

On April 20, 2006, two key witnesses of live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners, Anne and Peter (pseudo names), made their first and only public appearance to give testimonies at the McPherson Park in Washington D.C. while President Bush was meeting with Hu Jintao, head of the Chinese Communist Party.   Falun Gong practitioners were waiting for Anne and Peter's arrival before the press conference.  What they held were photos of fellow Falun Gong practitioners who had been killed during the persecution.

2006年4月20日,胡錦濤訪問美國當日,活摘法輪功學員器官指控兩名最重要證人安妮和皮特第一次,也是唯一一次出現在公眾場合,在白宮附近的公眾集會上公開指證中共活摘罪行。圖為手持花圈的法輪功學員,在演講台前等待安妮和皮特的到來。 拍攝日期:2006年4月20日

Click here for a  full report of that day:

Sujiatun Incident Witness Testifies Publicly in Washington D.C. (Photo)

完整報導請見:布胡會證人現身 指證活取人體器官

欢迎 anne and peter.jpg
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