Stay Unmoved 不動聲色
After practicing Falun Dafa for many years, I seem to be able to stay calm and unmoved most of the time. Whatever happens, there won’t be drastic ups and downs with my emotion or mood. So I had been believing that I wouldn’t be moved by outside factors anymore.
However, an incident a few days ago made me realize that this was not the case. When what I really care, really want to achieve, or when my ego at the deepest level are involved or at stake, I can still be moved.
What’s worse is, I would be deceived by my surface “calmness” into believing that the decisions I made when I was “calm” were rational and correct; and that my purpose was only to get important things done.
However, when negative consequences showed up, I started to realized that I had been deceived by myself. The so-called “rational” decisions were actually induced by my emotions, such as dissatisfaction, impatience, angry toward somebody, or unwillingness to wait any longer, etc. All these emotions had negative elements inside them.
Decisions made under these kinds of emotions were supposedly for the purpose of getting things done or achieving the goal quicker. But in reality, they were made for the purpose of hurting, punishing or even shaming the person that I was angry at.
Exactly because both those emotions and motives were very negative, the outcome of things would definitely be negative.
So the lesson to learn is, don’t be deceived by the surface level “calmness”. When dealing with issues or things involving other people, I must adopt completely positive ways and methods. Even if sometimes other people may seem to be at fault, I still need to treat them benevolently, without harboring any negative emotions or motives in my mind or heart.
Only by considering others at all times and under all circumstances, can I have the wisdom to find out a way to deal with things so that I can push forward this matter forward without harming or hurting others.
A Falun Dafa practitioner doing sitting meditation, “Reinforcing Supernatural Powers”. 圖:一位法輪功學員在打坐。