Having been a farmer all my life, I had spent most of my time doing hard physical labor. 我是一個農民,長得五大三粗
All tagged 明慧網
Having been a farmer all my life, I had spent most of my time doing hard physical labor. 我是一個農民,長得五大三粗
Mr. Wang Chan used to work at the headquarters of the People's Bank of China and was known as one of the elite in high-technology.王潺原任職於中國人民銀行總行,被該總行譽為高科技尖端幹部
When I read these two paragraphs, I couldn't hold back my tears. I believe this is exactly what we should call "legend". 今日看到這篇講述法輪功網站明慧網(minghui.org)早期經歷的文章中的以下兩段,眼淚止不住汩汩地流了出來。我想,這就是我們所說的「傳奇」吧。
I was so happily shocked. Although I always believe in miracles, but they seldom manifest so directly and obviously to me. That’s why I feel like sharing this wonderful story!