All in Inspired by Life 人生感悟
Only by considering others at all times and under all circumstances, can I have the wisdom to find out a way to deal with things so that I can push forward this matter forward without harming or hurting others. 真正能做到事事考慮別人、考慮別人的感受時,才能有這智慧,找到既能推進事情、又不傷害別人的作法吧!
And a “side effect” of this was, that I no longer feared dirtiness. 而這一切的「副產品」就是,我不再怕髒了。
My daughter stopped me and said, "Don't! They've been our neighbors no matter what!" 女兒阻止我道:「別呀,好歹鄰居一場!」
Many people seem to be particularly moved by “Free China: the Courage to Believe”. Why do you think that is?
When I looked back at the journey I walked through, the most important lesson I can share is…回首走過來的這段路,最感念的還是那句同修的鼓勵:「相信師父,相信大法。」
What you stand for is exactly correct opposing slavery, violence, ignorance and mind control and so much more. You do a great service to this country and the world of media with such professional reporting and analysis of world conditions. You are not intimidated by political parties, and for this we thank you.
The CCP sends you a package; and I also send you a package. What’s the difference? 他也用快遞送你一個包裹,我也用快遞送你一個包裹,有什麼不一樣啊?
Today I realized that I need to have more patience. I might believe that I have seen the “end result” of something; but other people might not have seen it, or believe in it. 學會等待,學會放慢步伐,跟隨這世界一起前進。這其中,有善和忍的修爲。
We cannot afford to have them succeed in this 我們決不能讓它們的陰謀得逞。它們再怎麼壞,我們只要做好,世界就會有希望。