Her policy research has been transformed into national strategies, plans, or policies.
All in Journalism 我的報導
Her policy research has been transformed into national strategies, plans, or policies.
Will the CCP’s attack on Taiwan start with the Senkaku Islands? If yes, what is the rationale behind it?
An official letter from the Southern War Zone of the PLA of China shows that a school in Zhanjiang City in Guangdong Province was required to establish an internet self-media and publish opinion detachment. 一份中共解放軍南部戰區的公文顯示,广東湛江南海學校被要求建立「對臺有關」的互聯網自媒體暨輿論分隊。
In order to ensure that there are enough soldiers in the war, the state will also recruit on a large scale, opening up more places to join the army, so that a large number of new recruits can join the army as soon as possible, so that they strive to master combat skills before the war comes. 为了保证战争中拥有足够的兵源,国家还会大规模的招兵买马,开放更多参军的名额,让一大批的新兵尽快入伍,使他们争取在战争来临前掌握战斗技能。
Today I’d like to talk about what’s in the audio file, what kind of hidden messages there are, the background of this meeting, how this audio was recorded and got out of China, and what kind of price has been paid to get this out, why I decided to translate and share it.
Comrades, we now convene an expanded meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, mainly to decide the province's major issues related to the transition to a wartime system.
The rumor and more evidence to support the rumor continues to emerge and people are still debating over it. So today I will continue to talk about some of the new evidence and debates.
In the past few days, rumors about Xi Jinping having been ousted have drawn a lot of attention and heated debate among Chinese communities worldwide. What do the rumors say and why do people believe or disbelieve them? And how do I look at these rumors and debates?
How a one-word mistake in a CCTV report once wiped $26 billion from Alibaba's market value, and the reasons behind the panic sell.
You must have heard a lot of “Axis Powers”, “Axis of evil”, which was first used by U.S. President George W. Bush after the 9/11 attacks. But do you know that recently a new Axis Act was passed by the US congress?
Recently Xi Jinping vowed that China must beat America in GDP growth for this year. This immediately made many Chinese people remember Mao Zedong’s vow of “catching up with Britain and surpassing the United States” in the 1950s, which led to the Great Leap Forward movement that saw 40 million Chinese people starve to death.
In the past few days, the most notable news in China is the outbreak in Beijing, and the possibility of a Shanghai-style lockdown in Beijing. So today we’ll discuss whether Beijing will go the Shanghai way, how that will affect China, and what kind of lessons the world can learn.
More updates on Shanghai, and an important theory on why the CCP is so dead set on its inhuman Zero-Covid policy.
This is an internal document circulating on the Internet, which I personally believe to be credible. There are many contents in it that are worthy of attention and reference 此爲網上流傳的一份內部文件,我個人認爲可信度較高。內有很多內容值得關注和參考,故此發表。
At the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics review and awards ceremony held in Beijing yesterday, Xi Jinping said that the CCP should be given a gold medal for its great pandemic control. Is this really the case?
Today we have a lot to show and to talk about regarding what is happening in Shanghai, and why this so-called pandemic prevention and control in Shanghai is called the “Shanghai Armageddon” by the CCP’s propaganda machine.
I think it is worthwhile to present these materials so that we have everything on the table when trying to figure out what exactly went wrong with the crashed plane.
During the past few days when I left, the CCP virus situation in China suddenly deteriorated very rapidly. So I will give you some updates on that to make up for what we missed. I will also discuss the three reasons why the CCP has to stubbornly stick to its Zero-Tolerance policy, and how this new situation will affect the CCP.
After the Russia-Ukraine War broke out, people added another part to that famous sentence, which is, “I'm Japanese in Ukraine.” What does this mean? We’ll talk about this today, as well as the CCP’s role in this war, and how things could develop from here.