First time ever! Someone with inside knowledge of what happened in #Wuhan, who saw with his own eyes, as a medical professional who had worked at #Zhongnan Hospital of #WuhanUniversity during the peak of #COVID19 #pandemic, came forward to share with the world what he witnessed, felt and thought in those locked down days, and what lessons the world needs to learn! 世界首次,震撼爆料!「停車場堆了1000多具屍體!」來自武漢大學中南醫院的一線醫務人員首次公開他在武漢疫情高峯期間所見所聞,所思所感!
I was deeply affected and touched; and I benefited greatly from your rich knowledge and your broad vision. 你談吐優雅講述親切,我特別珍惜,因你在講述自己真實的傳奇經歷故事,很受感染並從你豐富的知識寬廣的視野中獲益匪淺。
So, the CCP wants to have the bubbles burst, but under a controlled fashion, to reduce the shock waves to the real estate market and the entire economy.
Keep speaking truth, peaceful actions will prevail. 請繼續講述真相,和平的行動必將勝利。
So we can also say that the entire process of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign was a process of him trying to grab power from Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong. And this struggle is a matter of life and death for all the three of them, and the struggle is still going on today.
It is a story of perseverance, faith, persecution, and redemption, and it is a testament to the enduring power of faith, truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.
It has always puzzled me, why was the US willing to launch a war against Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime when it was convinced that Iraq had chemical weapons of mass destruction, but is unwilling to do anything about the CCP when the CCP has been mass killing its own people for all these years? Why treat Saddam Hussein and the CCP differently? Why the double standard?
History often repeats itself. The CCP confiscated all private and foreign assets in 1949 and refused to pay all historical foreign debts. Why are we so confident that it won’t do the same again? I think what has been happening recently in China is more than enough to serve as a wake-up call for Wall Street.