What will Xi Jinping’s Version of the Great Leap Forward Bring to China and the World?

Recently Xi Jinping vowed that China must beat America in GDP growth for this year. This immediately made many Chinese people remember Mao Zedong’s vow of “catching up with Britain and surpassing the United States” in the 1950s, which led to the Great Leap Forward movement that saw 40 million Chinese people starve to death.

What Exactly Does Falun Gong Do? 法輪功到底是幹什麼的?

However, if you really did not come down to be a human being, but are lost here and cannot return, then, when your human body (human skin) is shed and your wisdom and memory are opened, perhaps, you will regret that you have missed this opportunity that doesn’t come along in a million years. 只是,如果你真的不是下來當人的,今天卻迷在了這裏回不去了,那麼,當你的人身(人皮)蛻去,你的智慧和記憶打開的時候,也許,你會後悔你錯過了今日這萬古不遇的機緣。