Xi's Next Move: "Reform" without "Opening Up", Double Down Whole Nation System & Work with Russia

Recently one article and one meeting in China have caused a lot of public attention and discussion as to where China is heading. More and more signs are giving us very clear indications that Xi Jinping is preparing to proactively decouple with the West, form an alliance with Russia, and take China back to the Cultural Revolution, or turn China into another North Korea

Chip War Between US & China: Why Has CCP’s Trillion Yuan Investment Become “Rotten Tail” Project?

Today I will talk about the chip and technology war, a smokeless war between the US and China, and why China can’t produce its own advanced chips despite its trillion yuan investment. I will also do some updates on the power struggle between Xi Jinping and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, and what that means to the world.

Why You Should Learn a Second Language

There are a multitude of reasons why you should learn a second language. One of the most practical reasons is that it can make you more marketable in today’s global economy. A second language gives you an edge over other applicants when competing for jobs that require international communication.

My New Love Diary (2): Love, Free Choice and A Safe Harbor 我的新愛情日記(之二):愛與被愛,自由的選擇與「依附」

Therefore, on a sunny afternoon, under a grape trellis far from the hustle and bustle of the world, I made my vow and wish to him: "May Zhen-Shan-Ren and my love be with you forever.” 於是,在一個陽光明媚的下午,在一個遠離塵世喧囂的葡萄架下,我對他說出了自己的誓言與心願:「May Zhen-Shan-Ren and my love be with you forever (願『真善忍』及我的愛永遠伴隨你。)」