My New Love Diary (2): Love, Free Choice and A Safe Harbor 我的新愛情日記(之二):愛與被愛,自由的選擇與「依附」

My New Love Diary (2): Love, Free Choice and A Safe Harbor 我的新愛情日記(之二):愛與被愛,自由的選擇與「依附」

Although my firm determination not to marry again was first shaken by the boundless love of my mother, the real change of my mind happened after I cooked a delicious dish for myself one day. When I looked at that dish, I suddenly felt that there was still so much love in my heart, and I really wanted so badly to spoil someone with my love and make him happy. 


I think this is the "need" to love others that some people talk about in the three realms of love, i.e., "to be loved, to love, and to become love".


Perhaps there is really such a thing as “You will get what you want” in this world. ” So, after having the "heart" to "love", I really met that “dumb boy" who has just the “right amount of dumbness.”  


Of course, at first, I didn't know that he was the “dumb boy".  I only knew that he was curious about everything and wanted to learn everything. So we chatted about virtually everything. Somehow I started talking about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)  had done damage to Chinese culture, including Chinese characters. 


I typed out for him the simplified Chinese character for “love ( 爱) “ and the traditional Chinese character for “love( 愛)” on my cell phone and explained to him the difference between the two characters: while the traditional Chinese character for “love( 愛)” has a “heart(心)” in it, the “heart (心)” no longer exists in the sampled the Chinese character for love ( 爱). The CCP eliminated the “heart (心)” when it simplified the Chinese characters. So how can you “love” without a “heart”? 


For me, using the word “love” to explain the damage done by the CCP was just an “unintentional” choice. So when I was eager to show him the difference between the two Chinese characters for “love” on my phone, I didn’t notice that my shoulder slightly rubbed against his. 


Later he told me that at that moment, for him, it was like getting an electric shock, so he only saw the “love (愛) ” that "had a heart (心)" ......


That moment, perhaps, was just one of the many "predestined" moments of ours. However, when I recall everything, I am always amazed at how this “dumb boy” just got every step right…


Therefore, on a sunny afternoon, under a beaming grape trellis far from the hustle and bustle of the world, I made my vow and wish to him: "May Zhen-Shan-Ren* and my love be with you forever.” 

於是,在一個陽光明媚的下午,在一個遠離塵世喧囂、閃著金光的葡萄架下,我對他說出了自己的誓言與心願:「May Zhen-Shan-Ren and my love be with you forever (願『真善忍』及我的愛永遠伴隨你。)」

At the same time, I really found that, as I thought before, it is very difficult for people to be “good" when you are alone because when you are alone, it is easy to indulge yourself, and not be that good.

However, in the “world” of two people, especially, in front of the person you want to love, and want to be good to, it is really easy to be good.  And not only that,  in the eyes of the one you love, and in front of the one who loves you, you will naturally become extremely "charming" and “enchanting”, and you will become a much better you. 


It also occurs to me that human beings, after all, are beings that should exist and live “collectively” - except, of course, for those who live alone far from the secular world to do cultivation in solitude - and therefore human beings always need to be “attached” to or have a connection with something. 


And that “something”, I think, should be family, which is the harbor that God has ordained for human beings, for their souls and physical bodies. Since one's spouse is one's own choice (of course, it may be God's arrangement, but it will be manifested as one’s own choice anyway), therefore, family life is of an individual nature, and a manifestation of one’s free will.


On the contrary, if one “attaches" oneself to a certain group or community, it may not be a manifestation of one’s free will, but rather a manifestation of communist thinking, as “existing” “collectively” as a group may erase one’s free will and choice, while only "collective thinking” is emphasized. Where does this "collective thinking" come from? Most likely, it comes from the "leader" or "leadership" of the "group". That kind of "existence" should not be a normal human state.


Alas, am I really a thinker or a philosopher? I am supposed to talk about love, but why am I talking about these “strange things”?


Let me stop here, and go back to continue to “indulge" myself in my love.


*Zhen-Shan-Ren: (jhun-shahn-ren): Zhen (truth, truthfulness); Shan (compassion, benevolence, kindness, goodness); Ren (forbearance, tolerance, endurance, patience). Source: Glossary of “Zhuan Falun”, the main text of Falun Dafa.)


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