A Song from Tibet 藏歌

On a pilgrimage toward the holy land, I journey all the way in reverence and without pursuit

My Prayer Wheel turning, sorrows and worries of this mundane world are driven away

I walk through the temples, silently chanting precious mantras

Climbing up the icy mountains I sit at the peaks

And watch the white clouds gathering and dispersing with skies so distant.


There are no springs, no autumns to follow

The peaks remaining silent and solemn, beyond happiness and sorrow

The heavens above me, serene, with neither beginning nor end

This holy land forever unchanging

With my heart as pure as the origins of life

I quietly observe time quietly flowing under my feet.

(translated by Jennifer from the Chinese poem below by 元曦. 以上英文譯自元曦如下中文詩。)


我向著聖地, 磕長頭, 卻並無所求。

我搖著經筒, 搖散了, 浮世的縈愁。

我經過大殿, 默誦著, 那吉祥之語。

我攀上雪山, 坐峰頂, 看白雲悠悠。

諸天高遠, 沒有春, 亦無所謂秋。

冰峰肅穆, 不見喜, 亦無所謂憂。

天湖靜謐, 無從始, 亦無所謂休。

聖地恆古, 我心如初, 看歲月在腳邊靜靜的流……

3/20/2018 *

A note from 元曦: This is an old poem. I reposted it when seeing this new design from Yun Boutique by most talented designer Ariel Tain.  I somehow feel that the "spirit" of this poem matches very well this wonderful bracelet entitled "Flowe…

A note from 元曦: This is an old poem. I reposted it when seeing this new design from Yun Boutique by most talented designer Ariel Tain.  I somehow feel that the "spirit" of this poem matches very well this wonderful bracelet entitled "Flowers in the White Clouds".  元曦注:一篇陳年舊作,因看到雲坊新款Ariel Tain仙女的天才之作【白雲之花】,心中頗覺契合,故而貼出。

At the National Palace Museum, Taipei 「天下爲公」

At the National Palace Museum, Taipei 「天下爲公」

Michelangelo Sketches for David and Goliath and for Christ in the Expulsion of the Merchants 米開郞基羅大衛和歌利亞及耶穌素描手稿

Michelangelo Sketches for David and Goliath and for Christ in the Expulsion of the Merchants 米開郞基羅大衛和歌利亞及耶穌素描手稿