Cisco Assists the Chinese Communist Party in Locating and Monitoring Individuals Within One Minute

Cisco Assists the Chinese Communist Party in Locating and Monitoring Individuals Within One Minute

Recently, an insider who once worked for a Chinese telecommunications company revealed overseas evidence that Cisco has been assisting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in monitoring and locating the public.

This whistleblower said that around 2010, he worked in the customer service department of the company, and one of his job responsibilities was the installation and maintenance of communication terminal devices. During his work, he came into contact with two product managers from Cisco, who introduced to him the coverage plan for Cisco's indoor routers.

They said that Cisco was responsible for setting up Wi-Fi signal coverage in some Olympic venues, with an extremely powerful network monitoring function that could accurately locate a user sending sensitive information within one minute.

For example, during the 2008 Olympics, Cisco's system detected someone sending sensitive information at the event venue and quickly pinpointed it to which row and seat the individual was in. It was later confirmed that this person was a journalist from a foreign news agency who had sent out a report.

This location function was achieved through the directional functionality of different transmitter antennas, where two transmitters simultaneously send signals to the user, and the intersection of these signals determines the user's location. This was a special service provided by Cisco in cooperation with the CCP's Golden Shield Project (Great Firewall).

The Golden Shield Project (Great Firewall) of the CCP was launched in 1998, with an initial investment reaching $800 million by 2002. Its comprehensive, multi-nodal rigid measures are all designed to tightly seal off information and monitor citizens.

After the crackdown on Falun Gong, this system was used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.

Therefore, six Falun Gong practitioners initiated a lawsuit against Cisco in the United States in 2011. This lawsuit has continued to the present day.

On July 7, 2023, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled with a 2-1 vote by three judges, allowing Falun Gong practitioners persecuted by the CCP to seek compensation from Cisco for assisting the CCP in the persecution.

However, Cisco requested rehearing from six judges. A year later, on September 3 of this year, the court upheld the original ruling, allowing Falun Gong practitioners to sue Cisco in California under the Alien Tort Statute, moving the case into the trial phase.


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