This timeline was complied, saved and translated by a group of volunteers who care about humanity, with the purpose of "preserving" history so that the truth will not be hidden or forgotten over time.
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This timeline was complied, saved and translated by a group of volunteers who care about humanity, with the purpose of "preserving" history so that the truth will not be hidden or forgotten over time.
Les résultats scientifiques sont constamment cachés, soit par ignore, par arrogance et complexe de pouvoir, ou peut-être pour une raison plus sinistre que le CCP cache, et le résultat est celui auquel nous faisons face aujourd'hui : une calamité globale sans précédent.
Alors que le PCC essaie de réécrire l'histoire, nous devons d'abord rectifier le dossier.
Going forward, what will happen to mankind? 展望未來,人類將會怎樣?
On the one hand, people were dying at an alarming speed, on the other hand, the CCP continued to suppress information and greatly underreported the infection and death numbers. 一方面,數萬人接連喪失生命,另一方面,中共繼續隱瞞疫情,嚴重瞞報真實的感染和死亡人數,導致世界上很多國家仍沒有察覺到疫情的嚴重性。
For most parts of the world, people were still believing in CCP’s numbers, and making decisions based on what the CCP told them. 在全世界大部分國家,人們仍然相信中共提供的數字,根據這些數據做出決策。
At this point, we can see that the virus had already spread widely before the lockdown, and situations became dramatically worse in just a few days. 在這一點上,我們可以看出,該病毒在封城之前已經大面積傳播,而在短短幾天內情況已經變得極其嚴重。
However, these early discoveries were suppressed by the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP, and therefore, the most important time window to eliminate the virus has thus been lost forever…然而,中國共產黨(中共)卻隱瞞了這些早期發現,因此而永遠錯失了消除病毒的最重要的時間窗口。
Scientific results were suppressed time and again, out of either the ignorance, the arrogance of power, or perhaps more sinister motivations of the CCP; and the result is what we are facing today…出於中共的愚昧無知,權力帶來的狂妄,抑或是更險惡的目的,科學的研究結論一次又一次地遭到壓制。而結果就是我們今天所面臨的
While the CCP is trying to rewrite history, we must straighten out the record first. 在中共試圖改寫歷史的同時,我們要首先理清事實。