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圖片報導:慶世界法輪大法日 美國麻州州參議院頒發褒獎

2023年5月13日,是法輪大法傳世31週年。部分美國新英格蘭地區法輪功學員於伍斯特市政廳前舉行了慶祝活動,美國麻州參議員Michael O Moore代表州參議院向新英格蘭法輪大法協會頒發褒獎狀並致賀辭,以表彰法輪大法創始人李洪志先生及法輪大法31年來為世界所做的貢獻。

“China’s Economic Recovery is Strengthening”? The Other China as Told by Small Business Owners

n this video, I won’t talk about those boring and perhaps meaningless economic figures. Instead, I will show you some raw clips from China, from jobless workers and small business owners. Let’s talk about what they say and feel about the Chinese economy. After you watch them, I believe you will get a much better idea of the true situation in China, and how it could relate to you, and everyone else in the world. 

Exclusive: Fierce Battle Behind SB 147 Texas, A Bill That Aims to Ban CCP from Buying US Land

Recently, a Texas Bill that aims to restrict land sales to citizens from China, Russia, North Korea and Iran caused a lot of attention. At the senate hearing on Mar. 2, an unusually large crowd showed up, more than 140 people testified, most of them were against the bill, and only a few supported it. And before the hearing, one Chinese American who publicly supported the bill even received threats of physical attacks. So what is this bill about, and who is behind the big crowd that overwhelmed that hearing?

Chinese Spy Balloon: Evidence of its Military Nature, & CCP’s Intentions and How Big is the Threat?

In the past few days, the hottest news has been the Chinese Spy Balloon. Today I will talk about some of my exclusive discoveries regarding the possible manufacturer of this balloon, and other related issues. Then I will talk about the possible intentions of the CCP to release the spy balloons, and the bigger, and more dangerous picture behind the balloons.