2023年5月13日,是法輪大法傳世31週年。部分美國新英格蘭地區法輪功學員於伍斯特市政廳前舉行了慶祝活動,美國麻州參議員Michael O Moore代表州參議院向新英格蘭法輪大法協會頒發褒獎狀並致賀辭,以表彰法輪大法創始人李洪志先生及法輪大法31年來為世界所做的貢獻。
All in Journalism 我的報導
2023年5月13日,是法輪大法傳世31週年。部分美國新英格蘭地區法輪功學員於伍斯特市政廳前舉行了慶祝活動,美國麻州參議員Michael O Moore代表州參議院向新英格蘭法輪大法協會頒發褒獎狀並致賀辭,以表彰法輪大法創始人李洪志先生及法輪大法31年來為世界所做的貢獻。
Several days ago, an urgent call for help in a WeChat group in China solved a mystery that has puzzled many Chinese netizens for nearly two years. After the WeChat exchange, we now know what happened to an anonymous blogger who is regarded as the Chinese "Cyber Prometheus."
A beautiful mood is actually an ability, which is obtained through cultivation, and it's wonderful to be able to share it with others. For me, it has become a natural and everyday practice.
n this video, I won’t talk about those boring and perhaps meaningless economic figures. Instead, I will show you some raw clips from China, from jobless workers and small business owners. Let’s talk about what they say and feel about the Chinese economy. After you watch them, I believe you will get a much better idea of the true situation in China, and how it could relate to you, and everyone else in the world.
Actually, this is exactly what Xi Jinping fears the most, and also the reason why he publicly attacked the US for the first time during the two sessions in Beijing. Why does he fear the mentioning of the COVID-19 origins?
Xi Jinping’s master plan of ruling for 30 years, or 6 terms, the strategic goals for each term, as well as how he is planning to transfer his power to his illegitimate son. Then I will briefly talk about 2 pieces of other news that are related to the CCP’s war preparation.
But one thing is certain: Because we failed to stop the atrocity then, more people have become victims, including Urghiers. Now even ordinary Chinese people can "disappear" anytime in #CCPChina.
Recently, a Texas Bill that aims to restrict land sales to citizens from China, Russia, North Korea and Iran caused a lot of attention. At the senate hearing on Mar. 2, an unusually large crowd showed up, more than 140 people testified, most of them were against the bill, and only a few supported it. And before the hearing, one Chinese American who publicly supported the bill even received threats of physical attacks. So what is this bill about, and who is behind the big crowd that overwhelmed that hearing?
Xi Jinping is going to set up a Soviet Style organization called “The Central Committee of Internal Affairs”. What exactly is Xi Jinping’s plan, why did he want to do it, and what will be the consequences?
Recently, the CCP has made several very important moves in a very low-profile way. These moves are all related to the CCP’s war preparation, including…
While this struggle is still going on, there appeared another movement that could be even more devastating for the CCP. Some people even said that this could become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
Some updates on the current COVID situation in China, how Xi Jinping’s speech and declaration of “victory” actually exposed the CCP’s lies, and how another model of death estimation could give us a shocking number as huge as 321 million in the past 3 years.
Today I will talk about some shocking figures and facts behind this “revolution”, how this revolution will affect the CCP, as well as a little bit about the COVID situation within the CCP army.
The mysterious Stratospheric Force, the 5th force of the CCP army and its 3 goals, the mindset of the CCP behind the Chinese spy balloon incident, and an ironic event in New York, which may give us an idea why the CCP can be so rampant
Today I will talk about 3 topics: The CCP’s newly passed Reserve Military Service Law, the largest-scale protest in Wuhan City since the Tiananmen Square movement in 1989, and how the CCP’s regime could be affected by lacking money.
In the past few days, the hottest news has been the Chinese Spy Balloon. Today I will talk about some of my exclusive discoveries regarding the possible manufacturer of this balloon, and other related issues. Then I will talk about the possible intentions of the CCP to release the spy balloons, and the bigger, and more dangerous picture behind the balloons.
According to witnesses at the scene of the #Sitong Bridge Protest, the incident took place around 12:00 PM on October 13, 2022. 據 #四通橋事件 當日在場目擊人士稱,事件發生的時間在2022年10月13日12:00左右
Through this incident, everyone saw three basic facts: 1. China's unmanned airships can easily penetrate into US airspace. 2. The US air defense system is not as solid as imagined. 3. The wandering balloon not only can attack remotely, but also can attack anywhere.