
我再一次忍不住笑了起來。這家餐廳果然是要將幽默進行到底的。「Please seat yourself」是請隨意就座的意思,一般是餐廳服務員讓顧客自行選擇坐在哪裏的意思。而用在洗手間門上嘛,也完全說得通(尤其是對女士們來說)……

Xi Quotes in College Entrance Exam & Cultural Police: Comprehensive Control in China, No Blind Spots

On June 7th, the Chinese National College Entrance Exam, or Gaokao in Chinese, commenced. "Xi Jinping's Quotations" became the topic for the essay section of the exam, sparking a lot of discussions. At the same time, following the recent report on the "Agriculture Police," the "Cultural Police" team has also made a high-profile appearance in China.

圖片報導:慶世界法輪大法日 美國麻州州參議院頒發褒獎

2023年5月13日,是法輪大法傳世31週年。部分美國新英格蘭地區法輪功學員於伍斯特市政廳前舉行了慶祝活動,美國麻州參議員Michael O Moore代表州參議院向新英格蘭法輪大法協會頒發褒獎狀並致賀辭,以表彰法輪大法創始人李洪志先生及法輪大法31年來為世界所做的貢獻。